


英語 高校生

高1英語grammar話法についての説明なのですが、 水色マーカーの文において、なぜknowは現在形なのにwasは過去形になっているのでしょうか。 時制の一致が行われていない気がしています。 解説をお願いします。 (どんな時に合わせないのかが分からないです。)

S 1 時制の一致 1. I know (that) Tom is tired. 2. I knew (that) Tom was tired. 3. I know (that) Tom was tired. 4. I knew (that) Tom had been tired. 11 時制の一致の原則: 主節が表す時制が基準となって, 従属節の動詞の形が決まる。 主節の動 過去形であれば,それに合わせて従属節の動詞も過去形 (2) や過去完了形 (4) になる. 時制の一致と助動詞 BASER 注意 la) 過去形になるもの: will would, shall→should, can→could, may might I am afraid that I may hurt her feelings. →I was afraid that I might hurt her feelings. b)変わらないもの:should, must, need, had better, ought to, used to 2 時制の一致の例外: 次のような場合,原則として 「時制の一致」 は適用されない. 5. We learned that the earth goes around the sun. 6. Jim said that he jogs every morning. 7. He didn't know that World War ⅡI broke out in 1939. a) 真理・ことわざ (5) : 時に関わらず不変の事がらなので、 現在形のまま b) 現在も変わらない事実習慣習性(→6): 現在形のまま C) 歴史上の事実 (7) : 過去に起こったということが明らかなので、 過去形のまま d) 仮定法: 非現実のことを述べるので,主節の時制の変化による影響を受けない. He says that he would become a poet if he were born again. + He said that he would become a poet if he were born again. 11 斜体の 1) Jim 2) Yuji 3) She 4) I we 5) I he 6) I se 7) My 8) I t 2 次の 1) M 2) A 3) M 4) 5) 6) 3 1

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英語 高校生


121 122 Try! Jimmy ( Tis -ro 123 It ( 1 rained 3 had been raining came home. 124 125 126 Section 5 時制の一致 I didn't know that Sam ( has recovered. 1 is ) for ten days when it finally stopped.in ( 2 was raining 4 would be raining oy bih 2 had 3 has been stsubsty Boy II 時制は? ) playing the TV game for three hours when his mother for ten days 1 shall (2) cannot 3 would 4 will be had jusübung ever was 3 has been Try! The weather forecast last week said that the temperature (9) keep 101 arising. Newton explained why apples ( 1 fall 2 have been falling Try! They didn't know that the world ( 1 being 2 is Section 6***] (4) had been (4) can and su Try! By next week, you ( This July, I ( 1 teaches 3 teach We learned in our history class that World War II ( 1 ends Try! Mr. Right ( ) in the hospital. I'm happy that he Try! I read in a book that the American Civil War ( Tot () out in 1861. 1 breaks 2 broke 3 has broken 4 had been breaking b ) in 1945. 2 has been ending 3 ended 4 would end The novelist ( 1 is written 2 will have written inom no med ( 13 latog en (tot sepit \ sonte \avit) 11 (1) 3 have fallen ) round. I will have received folo 2 receiving 3 received を表す動詞の形は? og ty 997? ) from trees. 3 be (4) were Cast of smo se } booksheque 19ven and S beansines tovon bed ) ten books when he finishes Popis 3 writes POI 4 have received T100 過去のある時点 までの動作の継続) 4 falls when節が示している I bosesq\ sonie) Tool TRAK puse as ( Dogs) [ ) here for twenty years at his retirement age. will have been working 2 is worked 3 work il avod ber (中京大) 従属節の時制は、何 の影響を受ける? 主節の動詞 didn't know に注目 ) ar est gobは歴史的事実 歴史的事実を表す動 詞の形は? that 節の内容 「第2次 世界大戦が終わった」 2015 n 290b 1 929 19ven blow > the next one. T100 未来のある時点 ext oneyliaでの〈完了・結果〉〈経 4 has written 験〉 〈継続〉 を表す動 詞の形は? ) the package. ortalq ad aroquis si tu bovirus I the next one [**] diw ftal 2nd S fel を書き終えるのはいつ のこと? (南山大) 変わることのない事実 を表す動詞の形は? why 節の内容は,ずっ と変わることのない事 * olon6 Sinander o'clock E ) math to high school students for 15 years. **03#±70 2 am teaching u bar (4 <動作の継続〉を表す 動詞の形は? 4 will have been teaching MERT since three boyoin for 15 years [15 J と This July 「この7月 「で」の組み合わせに注 4 is working ayuda iniquod used E

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