


英語 高校生

英語です。クリティカルポイント2のチャプター3の答えが配られていないので、答え合わせができません。 答えを持っている方、または解いてくださる方、よろしくお願いします。

2. This electric machine did not function properly when it was delivered to my house, I have called several times, but there 助動詞·受動態 Chapter baim uoy biuo de o0 ー文法。語法一 空所に入れるのに最も適当な語(旬) を選びなさい。 ) out of town. n ud 1 1. Miki and her family ( (南山大) is no answer. 0 could go 3 should go の would be 2 must be lt uoy ) broken during shipping. (ship =輸送する) 2 could be om (慶歴大) It( ③ has to be の must have been 0 can have ) be watching TV. There are no programs today because of the strike 3 3. He( 2 can't may の should (東北工業大) 0 must 4.I saw Mr. Yamada at Shinjuku Station this morning." “You( ) have. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. 2 didn't (センター試験) D couldn't 3 might の should aci 5. Jim had a skiing accident, but he's all right. He's lucky, because he ( 97 (センター試験) 20clH d oo hurt himself badly. 0 could have bns ana 2 might ③ should の will have 6. This is a very important meeting. You ( ) miss it. (慶塵大) 3 ought not to amod og O had not better ② must have の should have ) here by now, for she took the early train. mort 7. My sister ( (センター試験) may arrive on ont 0 must arrive 2 can arrive の ought to have arrived (walin 8. Dorothy isn't in the office%; she ( 0 can be having ② can have coffee in the cafeteria. (センター試験) 3might be having 1ont ④ might have ) have to queue, when we've_already got our (東京電機大) 9. It is ridiculous that we ( tickets. (queue =列を作って並ぶ) 0 might ② ought ③ should の would 10. She proposed that a doctor ( ) be called in immediately. ④ ought (昭和女子大) 0 would 2 should ③ could 11.“I don't see Tom. I wonder why he's late.” “Well, he ( ) his train, or maybe he overslept." 0 might have missed ③ should have missed (センター試験) ② might miss ④ should miss 14

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