

2. This electric machine did not function properly when it was delivered to my house, I have called several times, but there 助動詞·受動態 Chapter baim uoy biuo de o0 ー文法。語法一 空所に入れるのに最も適当な語(旬) を選びなさい。 ) out of town. n ud 1 1. Miki and her family ( (南山大) is no answer. 0 could go 3 should go の would be 2 must be lt uoy ) broken during shipping. (ship =輸送する) 2 could be om (慶歴大) It( ③ has to be の must have been 0 can have ) be watching TV. There are no programs today because of the strike 3 3. He( 2 can't may の should (東北工業大) 0 must 4.I saw Mr. Yamada at Shinjuku Station this morning." “You( ) have. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. 2 didn't (センター試験) D couldn't 3 might の should aci 5. Jim had a skiing accident, but he's all right. He's lucky, because he ( 97 (センター試験) 20clH d oo hurt himself badly. 0 could have bns ana 2 might ③ should の will have 6. This is a very important meeting. You ( ) miss it. (慶塵大) 3 ought not to amod og O had not better ② must have の should have ) here by now, for she took the early train. mort 7. My sister ( (センター試験) may arrive on ont 0 must arrive 2 can arrive の ought to have arrived (walin 8. Dorothy isn't in the office%; she ( 0 can be having ② can have coffee in the cafeteria. (センター試験) 3might be having 1ont ④ might have ) have to queue, when we've_already got our (東京電機大) 9. It is ridiculous that we ( tickets. (queue =列を作って並ぶ) 0 might ② ought ③ should の would 10. She proposed that a doctor ( ) be called in immediately. ④ ought (昭和女子大) 0 would 2 should ③ could 11.“I don't see Tom. I wonder why he's late.” “Well, he ( ) his train, or maybe he overslept." 0 might have missed ③ should have missed (センター試験) ② might miss ④ should miss 14
Chapter 3 12. It's not very important. We might ( 0 as much ) forget about it. ③ as quickly e (センター試験) ② as possibly の as well mif ofsd 13. Before marriage she made him agree that he ( ) never break his promises. D could 2 shouldn't 3 would の wouldn't (神戸女子大) Ct年 14. Young Americans with only a high school education earn less than they ten years ago. (日本大) 1 were 2 gave 3 did の used 15. My father ( O might ) play golf twice a week, but now seldom plays at all. の would (近畿大) ② used to ③ was used to (神戸女子大) ) tell me all about it," he said excitedly. の Do 16.“( 2 Let 3 Shall の Should ) the 17. I remember that whenever my parents went out in the evening, I ( job of looking after my younger sister. の must have got ② ought to get ③ have got (センター試験) ④ would get money to him. He might not give it back. ② not lending (福島大) 18. You'd better( の not to lend 3 not lend の do not lend 1on \919 Jin? 10m \brsad yadT 学 02our |2 上下の文が同じような意味を表すように、空所に適語を入れなさい。 (東北工業大) Who invented the telephone? ) whom 1. the telephone invented? IGGP (R V PG 2. They were carrying the injured player off the field. The injured player ( (筑紫女学園大) make ho carried off the field. JR の内 ( 天れ(岡山理科大) 3. You must take good care Good care( of your health. ) of your health. 4. Nobody has ever spoken to me like that before. I have( (北海学園大) ) spoken( ) like that. (北海学園大) 5. Do it at once. ) done at once. )it( 15
B日本語を参考に、語(旬) を並べかえなさい。 in sw ansnogmi on 21l 1. 彼にどこかで会ったことがあるかもしれないが、どこだったか思い出せない。 I (somewhere / before / can't / I / have / him / where / may / recall / met / bua (駿河台大) 一会 5 Von DsE 1olsf E 1. 2. 行きたくなくても行かねばなりません。 You've(go / got / it / like / or / to / whether / you) not. (早稲田大) T e 3. 昨日の地震でだいぶ被害があったようだ。 It seems (by / damage / done / much / yesterday's / that / was) earthquake. y(立命館大) 2. 4. その動物は、オーストラリアにしかいない。 (can / only / the animal / be / in Australia / found).. (※桐蔭学園横浜大) 5. 事故は、しばしば、ちょっとした不注意によって起こる。 An accident(a bit / about / carelessness / is often / through / brought / of). (立命館大) 6. 彼らのうわさはそれ以上聞かれなかった。 They (heard / more / of / any / were / not). Jon bnal o (※青山学院大) 7. キャンディをたくさん食べると虫歯になりやすい。 Teeth (if / be / eaten / ruined / candy / may / is) frequently. (立命館大) boit buni sdr 4 )内の語を用いて、日本語の意味に合う英文を完成させなさい。 1. 昔はこのバス停の前に警察署がありました。 (used) hlssd 1oor (※別府大) There おう boo0 2. 昨夜あなたに電話をするべきでしたが、忙しすぎたのです。 (should) (センター試験) but I was too busy and I couldn't. ar f C 3. 30分前に出発すればよかったのに。 (ought) (東京家政大) no s snob'c 4. 歯はいつも清潔にしておかなければなりません。 (clean) Your teeth (常葉学園浜松大) 9
英語 クリティカルポイント 答え


