


英語 高校生

4の解き方がわかりません。 例えば(a)で、続く文であくびを謝っていることも全て把握した上で、挨拶なのでpolitelyかと考えたのですが、なぜ誤りなのか教えていただきたいです。

13 Lucy is a British schoolgirl who lives in Oxford. She is talking to her father, Fred, in the kitchen of their home. Read the conversation below and answer the following questions. Lucy: (a) Good morning, Dad. Oh, sorry for yawning. What are you doing with that microwave oven? It looks heavy. Do you need a hand with moving it? Fred: I think I'll be OK, Lucy. I'm just going to put it in the car and take it to the city dump. Lucy: Couldn't you send it away to be repaired? Fred: It's ten years old and well out of warranty now, so I very much doubt that the manufacturer would do it. They probably don't even carry the spare parts anymore. Lucy: That's a shame. Oh, I know what! Why not take it to the Repair Café near my school? Fred: What's that? I've never heard of it. Lucy: It's brilliant! We visited it as part of our environmental science course recently. It's a meeting place where people can get together to mend broken items cooperatively. And have a chat and a cup of coffee! Fred: I'm all ears. Tell me more. Lucy: Well, the first Repair Café was started by a Dutch woman called Martine Postma in Amsterdam in 2009. (1) 彼女は,使い捨て文化で環境が破壊されて, ゴミの量が地球規模で増えることを心配してたん . She wanted to find a local solution to this global problem. Fred: That's what they call "thinking globally, acting locally," isn't it? Lucy: Exactly. She also wanted to address the decline in community spirit amongst urban dwellers and do something about people's loss of practical skills and ingenuity. Fred: And the idea (2) caught on? Lucy: Very much so. The concept has grown into a global movement. The one in Oxford started about four years ago. Fred: Impressive! What kind of things do they repair? Lucy: Oh, all sorts. Electrical appliances, clothes, furniture, crockery, bicycles, and even toys. Fred: How successful are they at repairing things? Lucy: Well, of course, they cannot guarantee to fix every item brought to them, but they have a fairly good success rate. One study found that on average 60 to 70 percent of items were repaired. The rate is higher for some items such as bicycles and clothes but lower for things like laptop computers. Fred: I can understand that. Just between you and me, I think some electronics manufacturers deliberately make products in such a way that you cannot disassemble them and repair them unless you have specialized tools and equipment. Lucy: Yes, and that's where Repair Cafés can help. But these cafés are not just about repairing things for people. They are places where we can meet others, share ideas, and be inspired. The volunteer repairers are very keen to involve the visitors in thinking about the repair and actually carrying out the repair themselves. They also encourage people to think about living together in more sustainable communities. Fred: I suppose you could say they are about repairing our minds, not just our things. Lucy: Quite so, although often the two are very closely related. Many people attach (3)sentimental value to old things that might, for example, be part of their family history. Fred: I see what you mean. It almost sounds too good to be true. (a)Is there a catch? For example, how much does it cost? Lucy: Advice and help from the repairers is free, but people who use the café are invited to make a donation. That money is used to cover the costs involved in running the café. If specific spare parts are needed, the repairers will advise you on how to obtain them. Fred: Well, that's marvelous! (e)Then I'll take this old microwave there. Are they open today? Lucy: Yes, and I'll come with you. I've got a pair of jeans that are badly in need of some attention. QUESTIONS 1. Translate the underlined part after (1) into English. 2. What does the underlined phrase after (2) mean? Select the most appropriate expression from the list below. (A) became popular (B) hit a dead end (C) occurred to you (D) played a significant role (E) worked in practice 3. The underlined phrase after (3) means the value of an object which is derived from personal or emotional association rather than its material worth. Give ONE object that has "sentimental value" for you and explain why it has such value. Your answer should be between 15 and 20 English words in length. (Indicate the number of words you have written at the end of your answer.)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


第1章 英文構造の透視図 けではない」と意をとるとうまくいく。 [辞書は記録するにとどまらない。 It also guides, perhaps nearly dictates. * It(=the dictionary) が主語で, guides, dictatesがともに動詞 [ それは道案内もするし, おそらく, ほとんど命令に近いこともするであろう。 informs readers, especially students, how they shouldmo understood. *テーマ9 気の遠くなるほど長い文章だが, 諸君は inform A of R A にBを知らせる)の知識を活かして, A=anyone who uses it, B=the meom ings which attached to words だと理解できたであろうか. inform (知と せる)と覚えておくだけでは, 何にもならない見本のようなものである. * and therefore informs readers の inform はどうであろうか,実はこ こでは inform A+how節の形になっている.inform は inform A+that 節/ 疑問詞節の形をとる場合もあるので注意しておこう。 * It informs anyone の It, . .. who uses it のit はどちらもthe dictionary を指し, how they should の they は readers を指す。 * be attached to は「 にあるものと考えられる」.これはattach A to B (A がBにあるものと考える)が受動態になったもので, この動詞も後続 要素との関係で覚えておく必要がある。 * readers と especially students は同格になっており, readers の内容を付 加的に説明している。このカンマについては(STEP UP 10 [p.25]参照。 * make themselves understood は make oneself understood 「自分の意思 を伝える」という重要成句表現。 辞書は,それを使うすべての人に,単語に一般にあると考えられている意味を知らせ、 したがってまた。辞書を読む人,とりわけ学生に,自分の言わんとすることを明確に 伝えたいのであれば, 今後 ある単語をどのように使うべきかを知らせるのである。

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

36,37,38の答えが分かりません。 どなたか教えていただけませんか?

asked strange questions so that the answers would sound funny and make them smile. that answer was true or not. Later in the interview, the volunteers were deliberately In the study, the scientists conducted interviews with volunteers. The volunteers recent study by scientists at the University of Portsmouth has shown that people can When people communicate face to face, they do not just communicate by speaking language. There are other factors involved, such as gestures. If the person you are tell if a speaker is smiling or not even without seeing their face but just by listening were asked to answer all questions with “I do in the summer,” regardless of whether talking to frowns, you know that he or she is unhappy. Whena person laughs during a conversation, you can tell that that person thought something was funny. However, a The interviews were videotaped with the purpose of gathering samples of different C 35) Smiling from Ear to Ear to their voice. of smiles. The scientists then analyzed the smiles. types According to the scientists, there are as many as 50 different kinds of smiles. T he researchers then had different group of volunteers listen to the audio portion of the recordings. This group of volunteers could tell what kind of smile the speaker had on his or her face by just hearing their voice. This indicated to the scientists that the voice has characteristics that communicate feelings and that people can interpret them. Another study also suggests that customer satisfaction is closely related to friendliness. As we all know, the best way to show friendliness is to smile. Researchers think that using the smiling voices in products or services effectively, Such as answering systems and computer programs, can contribute to better customer service. This can also be applied to hiring and training staff. Since people can tell ifa smile is real or not by a person's facial expression, and it has been proven that people, for example, customers can tell if a staff member's smile is real or not just by listening, then smiling not only from the bottom of your heart, but with your voice may be a g0od way to improve business.

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