


数学 高校生

この問題の(2)で、負の相関があるのはわかるのですが、何故漢字テストの特典が低くなり、英単語テストの特典が高くなるのでしょうか? 教えて欲しいです🥲 (3ページは念の為参考に(1)の解説です)

ep1 例題で鉄則 右の表は、10人の生徒に実施した漢字テスト の得点(点)と英単語テストの得点y (点) である。ただし、得点は0以上10以下の整 数値である。 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 漢字 (x) 64 6 2 9 3 8363 英単語 (y) 3 7 5 LO 8 3 53925 以下,小数の形で解答する場合は、指定された桁まで解答せよ。 (1)漢字テストの得点(点)と英単語テストの得点(点) の相関係数の値はアイ である。 | ウェ (2) 漢字テストの得点と英単語テストの得点」について、 オという傾向があると考えら れる。オにあてはまるものを、次の①~④のうちから一つ選べ。 ⑩正の相関関係があり, 漢字テストの得点が高くなるほど英単語テストの得点が高くなる ①正の相関関係があり、 漢字テストの得点が低くなるほど英単語テストの得点が高くなる ②負の相関関係があり、漢字テストの得点が高くなるほど英単語テストの得点が高くなる ③負の相関関係があり、漢字テストの得点が低くなるほど英単語テストの得点が高くなる ④ 相関関係はほとんどなく, 漢字テストの得点と英単語テストの得点は関係がない

解決済み 回答数: 1
数学 高校生


Ⅰ. 次の太字の英単語に最も近い意味を持つものを,a~d. の中から1つ選びなさい。 解答 は解答用紙1枚目 (マークシート方式) の所定の解答欄にマークしなさい。 (1) opportunity a. charge b. choice chance d. check (3) criterion a standard b. criticism c. agreement d. sequence (5) compensation a. money given or received as payment for a loss b. mathematical statement showing equal parts c. event where people celebrate d. advantage given to only certain people (7) registration a act of recording information b. idea that leads to further discussion c. strong like or appreciation for another d. one part of a larger component (9) distribute a. derive from an original source b. make available to see c. hand out or deliver something d. be different from others (2) reject a. make illegal refuse to accept c. express support d. give an order (4) application formal request a 6. changed behavior official record d. expression of ideas (6) intervention a. event which results in the police arriving b. having the freedom to make decisions c. distance from front to back d. act of coming between groups in a dispute (8) density a. affection for someone or something X. need for food C degree to which an area is filled or covered d. state of ownership (10) circumstance a. outcome of an event b. addition that makes something better c. feeling or action in response to something d. condition or fact that affects a situation

解決済み 回答数: 3
数学 高校生


Ⅱ. 次の英文の空欄 ( 11 ) から ( 20 )に入る最も適切な英単語を, a. ~d.の中から 1つ選びなさい。 解答は解答用紙1枚目 (マークシート方式)の所定の解答欄にマークし なさい。 2893 000 Lego bricks. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons-CC license) Car made from Lego bricks. Lego has unveiled its first bricks made from recycled plastic bottles and ( 11 ) that it hopes to include the pieces in sets within two years. The prototype 4x2 bricks have been made from PET plastic from ( 12 ) bottles with additives to give them the strength of standard Lego parts, and are the result of three years of ( 13 ) with 250 variations of materials. It has already ( 14 ) plans to remove single-use plastic from boxes, and since 2018 has been ( 15 ) parts from bio-polyethylene (bio-PE), made from sustainably sourced sugarcane. These parts are bendy pieces, such as trees, leaves and accessories for figurines. Tim Brooks, vice-president for environmental ( 16 ) at Lego Group, said the biggest challenge was "rethinking and innovating new materials that are as ( 17 ), strong and high (18) as our existing bricks and fit with Lego elements made over the past 60 years". He added: "We're committed to playing our part in building a sustainable future for generations of children. We want our products to have a positive ( 19 ) on the planet, not just with the play they inspire, but also with the materials we use. We still have a long 20 ) we are making." way to go on our journey, but are pleased with the Hillary Osborne, "Lego develops first bricks made from recycled plastic bottles", The Guardian, 23 June, 2021. (https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/jun/23/lego- develops-first-bricks-made-of-recycled-plastic-bottles) (-)

解決済み 回答数: 1