


英語 高校生


Grammar Yourself! bog法に強くなろう! A. 例にならい枠の中から適切な単語を選び、 必要な場合は適切な形にして次の1~4の文を完成 させましょう。 例 It's Takashi's birthday tomorrow. He'll (b)20. 1. "Are you coming with me?" "No, I'll ( ) here." 2. Don't worry about the test. You'll ( ) an A. ) you about the program in detail. be√ come get stay 3. Beth is going to ( 4. Let's wait here until everyone ( ) back from the campus tour. B. 例にならい、カッコ内から正しい語句を選び○で囲みましょう。 tell 15 Hurry! It's already nine o'clock. ( We won't/We're going to be late. 1. "Are you ready?" "Not yet, but (I'll / I won't) be ready in 10 minutes. 2. "Is Yoona coming to the party?" "I don't know. (I'll / I'm going to ) ask her." ar, 3. I'm worried about the test. If I don't get over 60 percent, I won't / will) pass. ) 4. "How about going out for dinner?" "Sorry. (I'll / I'm going to go to a concert から tonight." angled tar You C. 日本語の意味に合うようにカッコ内の語句を並べ替え、 英文を完成させましょう。 ただし、文 の始めにくる単語も小文字にしてあり、 1つ余分な語句が含まれています。 you talk. D 1. キャンパスツアーの後は何をする予定ですか? ( are / will / what / to do / we / going) after the campus tour? 2. キャンパスツアーの後で歓迎会を行います。 Portom tort (welcome we're / we'll / a / party / having ) after the campus tour. 3.10分を超える遅刻は欠席と見なします。 If you're more than 10 minutes late, ( consider / won't / absence / an / it / I'll ). Kaat's Read Aloud & Welte 4. 後でキャンパスを案内します。 (you / I'll / I'm going / the campus / around/show) later. 5 単語 も実際 に使わ 35

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

最後の文のwhat value is B(smellが入ります)の文構造を教えて頂きたいです。よろしくお願いします。

they can s example, follow coastlines and thr When they get very close 4 Mont to where they want to be, many use their sense of smell. anger as Homing pigeons give a clue to this. ("Homing" is not the same as migration. It suggests that pigeons can find their way home when taken by train or truck to some far-distant place and then released. But homing surely has some of the same mechanisms; migration does, and so can give clues to how it works.) It seems that as pigeons get fairly close to their home, they first pick up general smells that tell of bird dwellings-perhaps the general tempting stink of ammonia. As they get nearer, the smells become more specifically pigeon-like. Finally, as they get very close, they recognize the very particular odor of their own flock in its own space. More and more evidence is revealing that humans, too, have a wonderful awareness of odor, even if they do not consciously recognize it, such that they find particular men or women attractive or disgusting according to their primitive substances such as sweat no doubt a cooling thought for human beings have risen above such things. We do not those who like to suppose that (2) normally think of birds as creatures that attach importance to smell, but many of them 。 do, in many contexts. 112055見る形 137. ho doubt, but なるほしだが、 But what use are A clues when a bird is above some apparently boundless ocean? What value is (B) when it is a thousand miles from where it wants to be? What else is there? O is value. air force, havy, army. doy and the moon

解決済み 回答数: 1