


英語 高校生

raise2英語総合問題を使っている方に質問です。 Lesson8(p34〜37)と別冊ノートp19の答えを見せていただけないでしょうか。

Lesson 8 受動態 >pkeeper [Jap ki:pir| impressed with... ...に感動する CAN-DO リスト Reading Grammar Expression Listening Speaking /12 /14 /47 /21 48 Reading 【速読 問題 次の英文を3分で読んで、1.の問いに答えなさい。sainte A few years ago,/a 43-year-old shopkeeper named Rajesh Kumar/visited the construction site of a railway station/in New Delhi.//He saw many children/who were playing at the site/instead of studying at school.//He thought/he had to do something/to help those poor children.//He decided to create a special 5 classroom for them.//He said,/"We didn't have much,/so I started teaching them under a bridge/ (2) with the things I could use."// In this way,/his special open-air classroom was born/under the bridge of the Delhi railway system.//A train passes above the classroom every few minutes,/ but the noises are not a problem for the children. //There are no chairs or desks/ and the children sit on the ground. //The walls are painted black/and used for blackboards.// 口 平易な英語で /6 Rajesh has tried hard/to teach the poor children under the bridge.//More and/ more people are impressed with his volunteer work.// (3) Through the kindness of people in the community,/the poor children are given (4) many things. //They are iven not only books and pens but clothes and shoes.//One kind person even ends a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice/for the students every day. //Children me to the classroom for many reasons.// (s) This is one of them. // Rajesh says, / "I hope/that future generations will learn something.//Then/we ll have a better world."// 『New Delhi [n(ja:deli] ニューデリー (インドの首都) U-3420 Total /100 'open-air 戸外 [野外] の (232 words) O 1. Rajesh Kumar の学校の様子を表すものを、 次の ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 (5点) 232語 x60= 3. 下線部(2)の具体例を一つ, 日本語で説明しなさい。 (5点) 【精読 問題もう一度英文を読んで, 2.7.の問いに答えなさい。 2. 下線部 (1) の those poor children とは具体的にはどのような子どもたちですか。 日本語で 説明しなさい。 (6点) wpm 6.下線部(5), This と them の指すものを明らかにして, 和訳しなさい。 (7点) 文法 4. 下線部(3)の Through とほぼ同じ意味の through を含む文を,次の ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 She has just got through high school when her father died. (4) 2 The rain lasted all through the night. 3 They drove through the tunnel under the mountain. 4 Tom succeeded through hard work. 5. 下線部(4) の many things について, 本文中に挙げられている6つのものを日本語で答えな さい。 (各2点) 7. Which of the following are true? (You may choose more than one option.) (8) 実践問題 Rajesh Kumar was a construction worker at the construction site of a railway station. 2 Many children were playing at the site after school. 3 Rajesh started teaching the poor children under the bridge. 4 The noises from the passing trains did not prevent the children from studying. 5 People in the community helped Rajesh and the children. 6 Without a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice, the children would not. have come to Rajesh's classroom.

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英語 高校生


35 15 20 signatures in business. However, no one used fingerprints in crime work until the late In ancient times, people used fingerprints to identify people. They also used them as 1880s. Three men, working in three different areas of the world, made this possible. (1) The first man who collected a large number of fingerprints was William Herschel. He worked for the British government in India. He took fingerprints when people (7) official papers. For many years, he collected the same people's fingerprints several times. He made an important discovery. Fingerprints do not change over time. At about the same time, a Scottish doctor in Japan began to study fingerprints. Henry Faulds was looking at ancient Japanese pottery* one day when he noticed small It occurred to him that the lines were 2,000-year-old fingerprints. Faulds wondered, "Are fingerprints unique to each person?" He began to take fingerprints of all his friends, co-workers, and students at his medical school. Each print was (). He also wondered, "Can you change your fingerprints?” shaved the fingerprints off his fingers with a razor to find out. Would they grow back lines on the pots. (2) He the same? They did. One day, there was a theft in Faulds's medical school. Some alcohol was missing. Faulds found fingerprints on the bottle. He compared the fingerprints to the ones in his records, and he found a match. The thief was one of his medical students. By examining fingerprints, Faulds solved the crime. Both Herschel and Faulds collected fingerprints, but there was a problem. It was very difficult to use their collections to identify a specific fingerprint. Francis Galton in England made it easier. He noticed common patterns in fingerprints. He used these to help classify fingerprints. These features, called "Galton details," made it easier for police to search through fingerprint records. The system is still in use today. When 25 police find a fingerprint, they look at the Galton details. Then they search for other fingerprints with similar features. (4) Like Faulds, Galton believed that each person had a unique fingerprint. According to Galton, the chance of two people with the same fingerprint was 1 in 64 billion. Even the fingerprints of identical twins are ( ). Fingerprints were the perfect tool to 30 identify criminals. For mo than 100 years, no one found two people with the same prints. Then, in 2004, terrorists (I) a crime in Madrid, Spain. Police in Madrid found a fingerprint. They used computers to search databases of fingerprint records all over the world. Three fingerprint experts agreed that a man on the West Coast of the United States was one of the criminals. Police arrested him, but the experts were wrong. The man was innocent. Another man was (). Amazingly, the two men who were 6,000 5 10 136 Lesson 日本大学 470 words 22 (3) 23 024 25 26

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英語 高校生

28番、as soon asが副詞節で現在形がつかないといけないというのは分かるんですが、なんで完了形にしないといけないんですか?

“Is Bill still using your car?” “Yes, I wonder when he( ) it." Could you ask Mary to call me back when she ( Theme 7 ) home? 23 (共立女子大) 4 will come 頻出 0 came (3 comes (2 come 24 I will wait here until she ( 9④ will come (北海学園 |頻出 3) comes 1 came 2 come 25 Iwon't go out if it ( O rain ) tomorrow. のwill rain (実践女子大 |超頻 3 rains 2 rained 1OUUGUE SEO 26 will return (センター) 頻出 3 returns D has returmed 2 returned 27 I don't know if he ( ) back next spring. had come (流通経済大) 頻出 (3) came (1) will come (2) comes otT ) them. 3 will read reading (流通経済大) 28 Some books will be forgotten as soon as we 頻出 O have read 2 will have read ven 法断大 aAR TA O 来未 Power Up! 7 when 節·if節 一副詞節か? 名詞節か? 識別には構文的な理解が必要。 I'll tell it to him(when he comes). 副詞節(when は接続詞) (彼が来たら,それを彼に話します) I don't know (when he will come]. 一 名詞節 (when は疑問詞) S VO cf.- S V 0 (彼がいつ来るか知らない) 去 Ill stay at home (if it rains tomorrow). 副詞節(if は接続詞) V S Yoad e o T (もし明日雨ならば私は家にいます) I wonder (if it will rain tomorrow]. 一名詞節(if は接続詞) 「cf.399d bar S 0 (明日は雨が降るか」 ロ■■ ロロロ ロロロ ロロロ ロロ

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