


英語 高校生


Ⅰ 次の英文を完成させるために,空所に入る最も適切な文を(A)~(D) より選び、その記号をマー クせよ。 ( ) He describes it is a state of ideal experience that can be brought about by tasks that have clear goals and provide immediate feedback. ack() Chess and basketball players, dancers, climbers, and assembly line workers can all experience flow while deeply engaged in their activities. Flow happens at a point of balance between boredom and frustration. (3) On the other hand, if the challenge is too high relative to the individual's skill level, frustration becomes likely. The flow state sets in when the challenge level of the activity meets the skill level of the person. In this sense, flow is related to what we call "fun." () For example, climbers will move on to ascend more demanding rock formations, and chess players will seek to play against more skillful opponents. ✓ (A) One of its defining characteristics is the loss of the sense of self and time because absorption in the task at hand is so complete. (B) Flow, as famously investigated by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is a mental state characterized by deep absorption during challenging activities. (C) Moreover, as our skills improve in the activity, we seek to increase the challenge in order to keep experiencing flow. (D) If an activity provides a level of challenge that is too low relative to the skill level of the person, it becomes boring,

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