


英語 高校生

一枚目 長文 二枚目 問題2と3と5 三枚目 2と3と5の答え 解説お願いします! ※一度質問したのですが返信なかったので!!

possove. 5 M Reading 目標 20分 速読問題 次の英文を2.5分で読んで, 1. の問いに答えなさい。 What is a "*remote meeting"? It is almost the same as a “virtual meeting” meeting." In any type of meeting, such as "face-to-face or remote, people get together qiu zonizud & no of guirsom & mort insed gnibsof biqsЯ to *present ideas and make decisions. It can be a meeting to get something done. The difference between a real face-to-face meeting and a remote meeting is that bemeonoo elgoeq ert of *participants of the remote meeting are just not in the same *physical space. Pris 229 awollot as prinqa aidt else no op lliw doirlw axinib wer no gníteem & blor lliw ew Instead, they are connected by phones or the Internet. There are several types of 00:01 moil (OUT) & emul emit bns ef60 10 the others, or just *audio. SOE mooЯ prile:90619 remote (3)sessions. Among them, the group call is widely used because it is musob bainn: 1sdW beneviled need senis even Jari Inib wan juods "handy. (4)This type of remote meeting does not require any extra "equipment other vab terlt no `noitatezen s exem than a cellphone or computer. It can be a video call, with each participant seeing al the group call. or an 3 of un Selnemusob srit top etnsqiiheq lliw nerWa .navig sd lliw anmusob o It is easy to *participate in, but (5to have an "efficient meeting, the number gnijem od noted vabadu yd naviy od lliw yodT participants should be limited. *Ideally, there should be *at most ten participants Spnitsem erit te ob of benlupen ineqioihsq ens terW 1 remote [rimóut]: 3 present [prizént]:・・・を提案する, 口頭発表する 5 physical [fizikl]:物理的な、実際の 10 audio [5:diòu]: 27 "online 2face-to-face:対面の,面と向かっての 12 ideally [aidí:ali] : 理想を言えば viste zlez s no noitsins29nq a ovis (163 wo alnih won no noizzuvzib & oved of hast chao T 5 participant [pa:rtísəpənt]: 8 handy [hændi] : 11 1 participate in...: ... に参加する 12 t 8 equipment [ikwipmənt]: 11 efficient [ififant]: **

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