


英語 高校生


Ⅰ 次の英文を完成させるために,空所に入る最も適切な文を(A)~(D) より選び、その記号をマー クせよ。 ( ) He describes it is a state of ideal experience that can be brought about by tasks that have clear goals and provide immediate feedback. ack() Chess and basketball players, dancers, climbers, and assembly line workers can all experience flow while deeply engaged in their activities. Flow happens at a point of balance between boredom and frustration. (3) On the other hand, if the challenge is too high relative to the individual's skill level, frustration becomes likely. The flow state sets in when the challenge level of the activity meets the skill level of the person. In this sense, flow is related to what we call "fun." () For example, climbers will move on to ascend more demanding rock formations, and chess players will seek to play against more skillful opponents. ✓ (A) One of its defining characteristics is the loss of the sense of self and time because absorption in the task at hand is so complete. (B) Flow, as famously investigated by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is a mental state characterized by deep absorption during challenging activities. (C) Moreover, as our skills improve in the activity, we seek to increase the challenge in order to keep experiencing flow. (D) If an activity provides a level of challenge that is too low relative to the skill level of the person, it becomes boring,

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英語 高校生


[文法 BC Grammar & Vocabulary 文法・語い Theme 形容詞・副詞の語法 語いD] B 日本文の意味に合うように、( )に適語を入れなさい。 (1) 一般的に,銀の価格は金の価格よりも安い。 In general, the price of silver is ( (2) かなりの数のアメリカ人が和食を食べるのを楽しんでいる。 Quite a ( (3) 早くも3月には桜が咲き始めた。 ) Americans enjoy eating Japanese food. UNT 14 ) than that of gold. The cherry blossoms began to bloom as ( (4) 彼は一生懸命取り組めば多くのことを成しとげる能力がある。 He is ( ) of accomplishing many things if he works hard. (5) 霧のために,私たちには前方の道がほとんど見えなかった。 Because of the fog, we could ( ) see the road ahead of us. C 日本文の意味に合うように, (1) 棚にあるDVD の3分の1はビリーのものだ。 ( the shelf / third / the DVDs / of / on / one) are Billy's. 内の語(句) を並べかえなさい。 ) as March. (4) これは私が買いたかった, まさにその本です。 This (book / the / is / I / wanted / that / buy / very / to ). ⑥ familiar (2) Having worked here for two years, ⓒ guilty of b aware of 127 /10 (各3点) (2) 電車に乗り遅れないように6時きっかりに来ることを忘れないでください。 Don't forget to come at (the train / sharp / that / don't / we / six o'clock / miss / so ). (3) エレンは,ロイから受け取った手紙をほとんどすべて燃やした。 Ellen burned (from / all / received / the / Roy / she / letters / almost ). 獨協大学 @abrupt (各3点) D に入る適切な語(句)を下から選び,記号で答え, 下線部を和訳しなさい。 (各5点) (1) Jane was very hungry, so she ordered an extra large pizza for lunch. When it arrived, it was ( ). She could only eat half of it. ⓒ offensive @enormous 〈立正大学 〉 Harry has become ( ) the work. ⓒ accustomed to ⓓ relevant to Expr E

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英語 高校生


EXERCISES 下線部を英語にしなさい。 (1), (2) は( )内の文を参考にしなさい。 (1) This is 父が10年間勤めていた会社. (My father worked for the company for ten years.) (2) Who is アンがダンスをしている男の子? (Ann is dancing with the boy. rapor sit was sold out. (3) 私が探していた本 (4) 彼が住んでいる町 is within commuting distance of Osaka. (5) This is 彼がその名作を書いたペン. 2 関係代名詞の what を用いて, 下線部を英語にしなさい。 (1) Show me あなたが手に持っているもの. (2) You must do 正しいこと. (3) He is thinking about 次にすること. (4) 私が今ほしいもの is the newest digital camera. (5) I'm very interested in 彼らが今討論していること、 (6) 彼の手紙に書かれていたこと encouraged me. 3[]内の日本語を参考にして、()内に適切な語を入れなさい。 (1) She lost all her fortune, and ()()( (2) They have made me( ) ( ) ( ) is ( (3) My uncle is ( ) a self-made man. (4) The town is not()( (5) My cat is lovely, and ()()( )today. ) (e) twenty years ago. ), very smart. A * commuting: 通勤の *名作: masterpiece B mint vo *・・・を討論する: discuss ), her health. [さらに悪いことには] [今日の私] [いわゆる] * self-made man: 自力で出世した人 IT [20年前のもの] 20 dup [さらに] lsifT

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