


生物 高校生

生物の食物連鎖とかの問題だと思うんですけど誰かわかる方いますか??? 英語すみません💦

hhmi Biolnteractive Some Animals Are More Equal than Others: Trophic Cascades and Keystone Species Mean Leaf Area per Plant Over 18 Months without beetle with beetle Leaf Area per Plant (cm²) Control Ecology 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 Experimental 0 T 2 www.BioInteractive.org 8 10 12 14 16 Months After Start of Experiment 4 6 Refer to the figure to answer questions 12 through 17. 12. For both the plots with the beetles added and the control plots, state the mean tree leaf area per plot that the scientists recorded after running the experiment for 18 months. The mean tree leaf area per plot that the Scientist recorded after running the experiment for 18 months wit the beetles added is 1.7m², S 2.2m² 13. Compare the trends in mean tree leaf area per plot for both the plots with the beetles added and the control plots over the 18 months of the experiment. The area of the control plat for thinoceros beetles has d has increased at a nearly constant rate, the other is a gradua decrease at first, then a sudden decrease, and finally a dradua 18 Figure 2. Mean leaf area per tree. Initial measurements were taken before (0 to 2 months) and after (7 to 18 months) beetles were added to 40 of 80 plants. The light gray round markers represent measurements taken of the control plots, to which beetles were not added. The black square markers represent measurements taken of the experimental plots, to which beetles were added. Measurements were made on all leaves to calculate the mean leaf area per plant. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. 14. Draw two diagrams that show the food chains for both the experimental and control plots. Include increase. interactions among predatory beetles (if present), ants, caterpillars, and piper plants. Revised January 2018 Page 4 of 5

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生物 高校生


Test II PROBLEM SOLVING Directions: Answer the question and show your complete solution in the separate paper. 1. Suppose the cells lining of your cheeks can completely di vide every 24 hours. Assuming no cells die in the process, how many cheek cells will be there after 7 days if you started with 5 cheek cells? 2. If an organism has 15 pairs of homologous chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have after telophase of mitosis? Test I. Complete the concept in mitosis has the Cell division Purpose of which have occurs in through (10. condeneed which Includes or noncondensed which include 5。 温 a loop of DNA which Includes (in order) which form sister 9. during 12. (13. 14. which is followed by 15. which Is followed by (16. which includes (in order). 17. 19. >(20. What's New In meiosis the cell goes through similar stages in mitosis and uses similar strategies to organize and separate chromosomes. However, the cell has a more complex task in meiosis. It still needs to separate sister chromatids (the two halves of a duplicated chromosome), as in mitosis. But it must also separate homologous chromosomes, the similar but non-identical chromosome pairs an organism receives from its two parents. These goals are accomplished in meiosis using a two-step division process. Homologue pairs separate during a first round of cell division, called meiosis I. Sister chromatids separate during a second round, called meiosis III. Since cell division occurs twice during meiosis, one starting cell can produce four gametes (eggs or sperm). In each round of division, cells go through four stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Stages of Meiosis I In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes are separated into two cells such that there is one chromosome (consisting of

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生物 高校生

生物基礎です 穴埋めをお願いします 途中まででも大丈夫です よろしくお願い致します

more info 8 D血液の凝固 の O血液凝固のしくみについて、 図中に矢印を、 口に用語を書き入れて、図を完成させなさい。 ワーク 2凝固の防止法(1)~(5)は、 凝固のしくみのどの部分に作用するのか。 それぞれの防止法と作用する部分 とを赤色でつなぎなさい。 の凝固の防止法(1)~(5)と凝固を防止できる理由(a)~(e)とを, 正しい組み合わせでつなぎなさい。 ク 凝固の しくみ 血球(赤血球白血球) 傷ついた 組織から トロンボプラスチン (血液 (酵素原) (酵素) Ca* その他の凝固因子 (繊維素原) (繊維素) (1)クエン酸ナトリウ ムまたはシュウ酸力 リウムを加える (3)ヘパリン(肝 臓でつくられる) を加える (4)ヒルジン(ヒ ルのだ液に含ま れる)を加える (5)棒でかきまわ し、からみつい たものを取る 凝固の (2)低温に保つ 防止法 凝固を防 止できる 理由 (a)トロンビンの 生成と活性を阻 害する (b)酵素のはたら きが抑えられる (C)フィブリンを 取り除く (d)血しょう中の Ca*を減らす (e)トロンピンの 作用を妨げる に反応の名称 日免疫のしくみ ワーの O図中の( )に名称を. を書き入れなさい。 ワーの 2同じ抗原が2回目に侵入したときの応答を、図中に赤の矢印で示しなさい。 体液性免疫 リンバ球 (B細胞)で生産された体液中の抗体が、 抗原抗体反応を起こし抗原を不活性化する。 増殖·分化変形 放出 抗原が結合す ると活性化 インターロ イキン放出 侵入 2回目の抗原侵入に備える イ マクロファージに による よる 刺激 インターロ イキン放出 活性化 変性細胞 感染細胞 がん細胞 移植片など 2回目の抗原侵入に備える 攻撃 増殖活性化 抗原と結合 細胞性免疫 リンパ球 (キラーT細胞)やマクロファージなどが抗原を直接攻撃する。 JE 血液凝固(blood coagulation). 免疫 (immunity), 抗原(antigen),抗体(antibody) ww

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