


英語 高校生


1517 079 Noah apologized (2) for losing his temper. 12. M①Ann build to Annas Ann building at Ann 080 We (1) the issue of gun control for three hours. 13. W①discussed of 3 discussed on (大学) 2 discussed about ④discussed 081 082 083 The dog () sleeping peacefully on the sofa. DOlie d@lyingoaib▸ ③laid He has decided () the company.jetblá ①having joined joining to buy buying +lay 3 to join 4 to have joined bought Would you be so kind as to give me something to drink? 16. D= Would (0) something to drink? ①you mind give me eaving to call (3 you mind of giving me aial you mind to give me up & as of you mind giving me 17. If you questiout this evening.@emember Please don't forget (2) a carton of milk on your way home. 084 to buy AFAR buy bobi and to buy 10. I rambling) your fly for whenhofon 04 buying Something is wrong with the refrigerator. I am afraid it needs (). to repair being repaired TO you () belist qode inget 085 ①repaired 大工画書泉 ②repairing 18 She regrets (10) such idthing to him me of 086 These photos (remind the days/I/me/ spent / of) with Grace. Please contact me immediately if something ( )) wrong. as a 087 need ( ①does ②gives quos bluow ③ goes ④makes buys 088 The doctor suggested to my father that he ( 3 ) up smoking. 1 of undry th ①give 2 to give 3 gives ban has give or sd of▸ anied lo Baisd She really loved it. randmother Victoria and William got () in Florida two years ago. 089 @marry 2marries ③married marriage

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英語 高校生

写真1枚目の日本語分を英訳するという問題についてです。私は In addition to genes, aquired factors such as diet, smoking, drinking, stress, insufficent sleep and exerci... 続きを読む

LESSON 6 社会問題 「遺伝子検査の問題。 swab sample to a testing institute, one can know his or her risks of developing various diseases. The biggest issue is the accuracy of such Des tests. genetic testing venture 23andMe, dMe.Lin which Google has invested, has started offering the Personal Genome Service to "provide health reports on 254 diseases and conditions" for slightly less than $100. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in November 2013 ordered the company to halt the sales of its saliva collection kit due to concerns over the accuracy of its genetic examinations. (ア) 7 People need to be aware that the results of genetic testing only have a high degree of correlation with the risks for certain diseases. 遺伝子に 加えて、食事、喫煙、飲酒、ストレス、 睡眠不足、運動不足といった後天的 要素が、 癌を含むいくつかの病気の原因である。 Isals! 8 Users of genetic testing services should know that the discovery in genetic examinations of the presence of irregularities that raise the risk of developing certain diseases does not necessarily mean they will develop them. Y 9 So, it is not wise to rely solely on genetic testing. The results testing may cause some people to be unduly pessimistic about their future. The providers of genetic testing services must be careful when explaining C 30 9202 201 .) "Pros and cons es 2014/07/11>) g. nething to try or taking a sam xam. eing careless 即して日本 尿

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英語 高校生


15 子大) (大) 大) () =) AYO 3 意味の通る英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 (1) I spilled water on my computer, and it (a lot / cost/have/me/to) it repaired. (2) Would you (the test results / know / mind / me / letting) as soon as possible? (3) Beth (the documents/her assistant/put/ watched) into the safe. (4) Her pride would not (to / mistakes/her/admit/any/allow). (5) Let me use (to/help/understand / an illustration / you) my explanation. (2) こんな非常事態の最中では,食料品を手に入れるのも高くつくだろう。 (get / it / a lot / will / to / cost) food in the midst of this emergency. しているので 通りを歩いていたら、 誰かに肩をたたかれた。 As I walked along the street, I felt (shoulder/ on / pat/the / me / someone). (津田塾大) (大阪医科薬科大 ) (5) この問題に取り組もうという試みはなされていない (2) ( has / no / to / made / attempt / been) tackle this issue. 4 日本語の意味になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 (1) 私の通っていた大学のキャンパスは大きくて、教室から教室まで歩いて15分かかりました。 (成蹊大) The campus of my university was so large that it (fifteen / me / to / took / minutes) walk from one classroom to another. (津田塾大) (6) ジェット機のおかげで、私たちはより速く長い距離を旅することができるようになりました。 Jets (enabled/ have / to / travel / us / long distances) faster. なりました。 binig siy (青山学院大 ) (獨協医科大) (3) ビジネススーツを着ると、自分をプロのように見せることもできますし、そう感じさせてくれます。 Wearing a business suit can (both/professional / feel / look / you / make/and) (神戸学院大) 日本語に合うように (拓殖大) (北海道医療大) (専修大) (武庫川女子大) (7) 生徒たちは答案を書き終えたら提出することが要求されている。 VT (東北学院大) The students (are/ hand / in / required / their / to) papers when they have finished writing them. 53

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