


英語 高校生

右下のクエスチョンの30.G-1 .G-2.Q-6 が分かりません。 至急教えていただきたいです。m(_ _)m

ara light, I heard someone calling, “Hi! Where are you 10n May 7, I started on my bicycle tour from Around the World on a Bike 1o Dennis was sharing a house with a friend and G-1 the Los Angeles airport.2 When I stopped at a tra作。 15 his wife, who happened to speak Japanese.1 I had dinner with them-fried chicken and fried potatoes headed?"3 It was a young man on a bicycle. with ice cream for dessert. (2Dennis took out 92 4I said, “New York!" something for me to read: it was a list of people who 5 Looking a little puzzled, he said, “Where did supported traveling cyclists. Dennis explained 20 that I could stay in any one of their homes with you say you're going?" free meals. "New York."” 4The directory was very useful. iWhile cycling ●While cyeling =D While 1"New York!" he repeated.) 8I could hardly understand his English; alll』 1 was cycling across America, I made full use of it, visiting 20 ●make ) use of ~ homes and meeting many friendly peoplel6Meeting 与use ~ ●igure out ~ 与understand ~ could figure out was that his name was Dennis and 25 Dennis and receiving this great gift on the very first TE that he was inviting me to his house.9 After a day of the trip made moment's hesitation, I accepted. me wonder at the mystery of human Montreal ア19 7/10 life!7So much of life Boston Chitago 30 depends on luck and リスへ Denver 24 Kansas City York chance. Grand Canyon /1 washingy DC 512 Nashville Los AngelesFlagstaf ーは自転車以外による移動 At the Grand Canyon, U.S.A. マイスクリーム fried (fraid ice cream [ais kri:m] dessert [dizd:rt] でート 転にする人 cyclist |sáikist] directory darekiari ほど~ない hardly [há:rdli] figure |f M える ずンス Dennis [dénis] hesitation [hèzitéifon] ためSい mystery |mistarilテ。 O-4 Where did Hirata meet Dennis? 0-5 How well did Hirata understand Dennis's English? 30. depend on ~ It all depends on the weather. G-1 Mr. Green, who was born in Japan, lives in New York now. G-2 Halloween is a good time for everybody to dress up. Q-6 What did Dennis give Hirata to read?

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英語 高校生

答えを教えてほしいです! お願いします🙇‍♂️💦

Exercises Part 1 Lesson 6 否定 1 Fill in each blank with a suitable word. 0a) That British teacher didn't eat any sashimi. b) That British teacher ate ( ) sashimi. 2a) The rules of shogi are so difficult that I cannot explain them. b) The rules of shogi are ( difficult for me ( ) explain. 3a) The book on tea ceremony was far from easy. b) The book on tea ceremony was not easy ( Itea ceremony「茶道」 4a)I have almost no knowledge of Japanese folk songs. b)I have( ●folk song「民謡」 ) knowledge of Japanese folk songs.o vhe 2 Fill in each blank with a suitable word. aabre oi lne o 1歌舞伎役者に女性はいない。 ) kabuki actors are women. 2最近は、海外留学する日本人が以前よりも減っている。 ) Japanese go overseas to study these days. 3日本人がみな能の鑑賞を好むわけではない。 ) Japanese like to see Noh performances. 4京都では、金閣寺の写真を撮りそこなった。 In Kyoto, I ( ) to take a photo of the Kinkakuji Temple. 3 Put the words in parentheses in the correct order. 1マグロの養殖 (tuna farming)は、 もはや夢ではない。 Tuna farming (a/any/dream/is/longer/ not). 2その水墨画(India-ink picture)の美しさに感嘆せずにはいられなかった。 ●admire 「~に感嘆する」 (admiring / could / help /I/ not) the beauty of the India-ink picture. ③彼女は、 毎年必ず親戚にお歳着(year-end gift)を送る。 ●relative 「親戚」 She(fails / never / her relatives / send / to/to/year-end gifts) every year. 4まもなく彼の新作アニメが公開される。 (be / before / it/long/not /will) his new animated filmis released. 4 Put the Japanese sentences into English. 1誰もが携帯電話を持っているわけではない。 2伊豆半島(the Izu Peninsula)では、 雪はめったに降らない。 ③彼の狂言の演技(kyogen performance)は、 決して満足の行くものではなかった。 4日本の漫画ほど面白いものはない。 下線部分を言い換えて、日本固有の文化を表すものについて、実物を見せながら"Show and Tel|" の TRY 形式で説明しましょう。 Today Ill tell you something really Japanese. This dish is lacquer ware called japan. I think no other tableware is more elegant than japan. lacquer ware=japan 「漆器」 / tableware 「食卓用食器類」 17

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