


英語 高校生

こちらの答えを教えてください。 全部無理ならどれか1枚でも大丈夫です👌🏻 また、こちらは文法書から満遍なく出題されてる感じでしょうか。

Ⅰ 次の 1 10 の英文の空欄に入れるのに最も適当なものを、 それぞれ下の1~4つのう ちから一つずつ選べ。 1 Look both ways before ( ) the road. <1> your cross <2> crossing I came near to ( c15 run 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 英語問題 Because of the heavy rain, ( c1 so that <2> few ) over by a car. c2 having run Professor Smith was seen ( c1 and come Shinji would answer the phone if he ( <1> be c2> were patterns. <2> came <1> What <3 being run ) students came on time. c3 in which <3 being crossed <4> cross The passengers on the plane seemed to be ( c1 memorable c2 exhausted c3> ) at home. <3 has been When I lost my debit card last week, I was ( something online. <2> Therefore ) out of his office at 3:30 p.m. has come <3 c4 might have run <4> a little c2 c4 c4 would have been <3 concerned c4 considered c1 enthusiasm <2> exciting Travelling abroad these days is a lot of hassle with all the health checks ( <1> required <2> requirement <3> requiring <4> require There has been a lot of debate ( c1 among <3 responsible for ( ) we use language, we do more than simply put words together in grammatical <4> to come ) after their long flight. established <4> damaged <3> When ) someone would use it to purchase ) historians over this question. insofar as most of ). c4 By means that

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

問5で(3)の訳が問われているのですが なぜafter等もないのに4時間"後"と訳せるのですか?

試験本番でのこの本での 目標時間 目標時間 Lesson 4 103 次の英文を読んで、後の問1~5の設問に答えなさい(固有名詞はそのまま使用し てよい)。 5 15 分 分 22 分 ◆解答・解説本冊 p.6 Here's a possible strategy to boost" memory-exercise four hours after you learn something. In a study published in the July 11, 2016, Current Biology, researchers found that exercise after learning may improve your memory of the new information, but only if done in a specific time window *2. (In the study, 72 participants learned 90 picture-location associations mentally linking an image with new information in order to improve recall over a 40-minute period. They were then randomly assigned to one of (1) three groups: one group exercised immediately, the second exercised four hours later, and the third did not exercise. The exercise routine consisted of 35 minutes of interval 10/training on a fitness bike at an intensity of up to 80% of maximum heart rate. After 48 hours, the participants' memory was tested while their brains were scanned*4 via MRI*5. Those who exercised four hours after the learning session retained*6 information better than the other two groups. The MRI also showed the hippocampus, the brain region involved with learning and memory, - that (2) 15 was more active when information was recalled correctly. Newly learned information turns into long-term knowledge through a process that requires certain brain chemicals that are released during exercise, but more research is needed to understand (3) this phenomenon. (4) It is also not clear why four hours was more beneficial, or if another time frame might produce a similar 20 effect.

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


15 子大) (大) 大) () =) AYO 3 意味の通る英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 (1) I spilled water on my computer, and it (a lot / cost/have/me/to) it repaired. (2) Would you (the test results / know / mind / me / letting) as soon as possible? (3) Beth (the documents/her assistant/put/ watched) into the safe. (4) Her pride would not (to / mistakes/her/admit/any/allow). (5) Let me use (to/help/understand / an illustration / you) my explanation. (2) こんな非常事態の最中では,食料品を手に入れるのも高くつくだろう。 (get / it / a lot / will / to / cost) food in the midst of this emergency. しているので 通りを歩いていたら、 誰かに肩をたたかれた。 As I walked along the street, I felt (shoulder/ on / pat/the / me / someone). (津田塾大) (大阪医科薬科大 ) (5) この問題に取り組もうという試みはなされていない (2) ( has / no / to / made / attempt / been) tackle this issue. 4 日本語の意味になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 (1) 私の通っていた大学のキャンパスは大きくて、教室から教室まで歩いて15分かかりました。 (成蹊大) The campus of my university was so large that it (fifteen / me / to / took / minutes) walk from one classroom to another. (津田塾大) (6) ジェット機のおかげで、私たちはより速く長い距離を旅することができるようになりました。 Jets (enabled/ have / to / travel / us / long distances) faster. なりました。 binig siy (青山学院大 ) (獨協医科大) (3) ビジネススーツを着ると、自分をプロのように見せることもできますし、そう感じさせてくれます。 Wearing a business suit can (both/professional / feel / look / you / make/and) (神戸学院大) 日本語に合うように (拓殖大) (北海道医療大) (専修大) (武庫川女子大) (7) 生徒たちは答案を書き終えたら提出することが要求されている。 VT (東北学院大) The students (are/ hand / in / required / their / to) papers when they have finished writing them. 53

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

黄色線のところについてですが、between 複数名詞となっていますがどう訳せば良いんですか?between の後についている名詞が1つしかないので分かりません。どことどこの間ですか?

[Review] redt toda lira olqooq u obat A few years ago, a large American university had a new campus built, where each building was designed with consideration for such aspects as access, environmental impact, and use of advanced information and communication technology. However, at an early stage of the design of the campus, it was pointed out that no plans had been made for pathways or other routes between the new buildings. Such routes often present problems to architects, as the way people will walk between buildings is hard to predict before construction. The university president, who had taken personal charge of the project, said, "Just plant grass; don't make any pathways." The other members of the project committee were astonished at this instruction, but since the president had a reputation for vision in design and development, the committee agreed to construct no pathways but only to plant grass on the campus. One year after the completion of the new campus, the university president called for the committee to meet and inspect the development. Over the grassy lawns between the buildings, tracks had been clearly made by students and faculty walking from one place to another. "There!" said the president, pointing to the trackways, "Put the pathways there, where the tracks have already been made."

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