


英語 高校生

共通テストのリーディングの問題で時系列的な問題があるのですが、何回やっても正解できません、 誰か教えて欲しいです。

B You found the following message on a personal blog written by an exchange student at your school. Save Our Park! Wednesday, April 21, 2021 Vera Sherman First, thank you for visiting my blog. Today I'm writing about something very close to my heart. I hope everyone in town has had a chance to spend some time at Kaneko Park. It is a lovely place, and it's easy to walk to from our school. As it is springtime, the park is currently full of blooming trees, singing birds, and people enjoying the outdoors. Some creative students even built little squirrel houses for the animals to live in. Unfortunately, however, we need to do more to help clean up our wonderful local park. One month ago, I was taking pictures of the flowers near the pond. When I looked at the pictures at home, I noticed some garbage in the background. I spoke to Mr. Tanaka, the city official who is in charge of the park. He told me that sometimes students eat fast food and leave packaging on the ground. He said that in the past he had asked students to clean up after themselves but very few students had actually done as he asked. Because students were a big part of the problem, I felt I should take some responsibility in trying to sort out this problem. I put up flyers explaining the situation and asking for students to help after school. A small group came out, but we were not well prepared. We didn't have enough trash bags, and we did not have a clear plan for cleaning up. I went back to Mr. Tanaka, and he promised me that next time we went to the park, the city would provide trash bags and maps of locations to clean. Now we are ready to make a difference. Maybe it doesn't seem fun to spend your time picking up trash, but please consider helping. We will be meeting outside the front gate of the park at 10 a.m. this Saturday. Please try to arrive by 10 a.m. as we will be starting the litter pick straight away. Let's all help clean up our beautiful park!

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英語 高校生

鉄壁初心者です。 下記のenlighten のenの意味が分かりませんでした。 +鉄壁を勉強する際 「何周もする」以外に 意識すべきポイント等あれば教えて頂きたいです。

564 | ●単に知識を供給するだけが教育ではありません。 教育の真の目的は、人を「啓蒙 発する」(enlighten)ことだとも言えます。 「啓蒙」という日本語は難しいですが enlighten という動詞のスペルに注目してください。無知でぼんやりとした頭の中に「 (light)を与え,教え導くという意味なのです。また inspire は 「息をする」という語 から「息=意気を吹き込む」 →「行動・創作の意欲をかき立てる」という意味が生ま ます。 incentive は、 「やる気をおこさせるもの」という意味の名詞です。 「テストで 点を取ったら** を買ってあげよう」 という約束も一種の incentive です。 啓蒙・啓発・意欲 1855□enlighten * [enláitn] もう 他~を啓蒙・啓発する, に知らせる en- + light → 「光 (light)を与える」 lighten the public 「大衆を啓蒙する」 Le government launched a campaign to enlighten teenagers on the dangers surrounding AIDS. 「政府は若者たちにエイズの危険を知ら せるための運動を起こした。」 □enlightenment* 名啓蒙・啓発 [enlártnmant] !! enlighten

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