


英語 高校生

リードB持っている方不定詞のステップ1の解答送っていただけませんか? 学校で解答冊子持ってくるの忘れてしまって、。お願いいたします。

不定詞 STEP O 1(to-不定詞の名詞的用法·形容詞的用法·副詞的用法》 次の各文の to-不定詞が,名詞的用法 ならア,形容詞的用法ならイ,副詞的用法ならウと答えなさい。 (1) It is a pity to be indoors on a day like this. (2) Children go to school to learn things. (3) Iwant to buy a book oto read on the journey. 09 (4) Don't you think it wrong to tella lie to your friend? J0 J ( (5) His son grew up to be a very sociable man. (6) She had the courage to say no. (7) He must be a fool to act in that way. (8) There was no time for her to call on her aunt. 2(to-不定詞の名詞的用法〉 次の各文の to-不定詞の働きが,主語ならア, 目的語ならイ, 補語 ならウと答えなさい。 ena JD 9ge to forget all. (2) It is hard to criticize the people you like. To know all is Jの ( (3) I forgot to mail your letter. (4) Do you think it strange for me to live by myself? JpO pe 3(to-不定詞の形容詞的用法〉次の各文の下線部を to-不定詞を用いた形にして,全文を書きか えなさい。 (1) This is the best way of curing a cold. E 0~ ( ゆ) (2) He was the last person who left the office. DIg 2or (3) He has no friends who will support him. 1ore stgin (4) This apron has no pocket in which I can put things. 4(to-不定詞の副詞的用法〉 次の各文を[ ]内の指示に従って書きかえなさい。 (1) Her coach was disappointed when he heard of her failure. (下線部を to-不定詞を用いて) [only to ~ (2) We hurried to the house but found that it was empty. (21出孝 to ~を用いて) (3) This bag is so small that it cannot hold all these things. [too (4) This book is so easy that a six-year-old child can read it. [ enough to ~ を用いて) 語 注 no pocket in which I can put things 私がものを入れられるポケット(がない) 19

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