


英語 高校生

英語の長文で質問です。 写真の黄色の線のitはなんですか? healthだと考えました。

vegetarianism Many people throughout history have preferred not to kill animals for food. Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Leo Tolstoy, and Paul McCartney all ( 24 ) meat. The practice of avoiding consuming meat is called vegetarianism. Some people become vegetarians for religious reasons, others for health concerns, and still others just do not like the taste of'meat. Recently, more and more people who feel compassion for animals are turning to vegetarianism. There are various types of vegetarianism. For example, some vegetarians continue to eat dairy products, eggs, and fish and simply eliminate red meat, while others such as vegans avoid all animal-derived products from their diet. They Can Consume protein through peas and beans. For many other people, the idea of eating only fruit and vegetables and cutting down on eating meat and fish seems almost impossible. ( 25 ), there is a growing market for vegetarian cooking. Nowadays more and more vegetarian restaurants are being opened. Many young people are “turning vegetarian" for a short period just to see what it is like. A lot of them say they are more careful about what they eat and feel better for it. Mark Twain once said, “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not."" Now the situation has changed. What is good for you ( 26 然品 みじかIきかん けんこう? ) to taste bad, or be too much trouble to prepare. People can improve their diet by going to the restaurant to enjoy a delicious vegetarian meal.

解決済み 回答数: 1