


英語 高校生

至急!!!この問題が分かりません! わかる人教えください!問1から問10までお願いします🙏

Unit 2 長文問題Ⅱ ミツバチは女社会? 1 Have you ever experienced a bee sting? If you have, you may (1) not be fond of bees. However, they are very interesting and honeybee society is very similar to ours. Let's look at some interesting facts about it. 2 Honeybees live together in groups of 20,000-80,000 in a beehive. This group is call] a colony and the bees in the hive can be categorized into three types: a single queen, tens of thousands of worker bees and hundreds of drones. 3 A queen bee's job is to lay eggs all her life. Each day the queen bee lays around 2,000 eggs. The average lifespan of a queen is three to four years. Does the queen "rule" the colony? No. Her duty is simply egg- laying. In fact, the queen bee has a smaller brain than a worker bee. Target ①現在完了形 現在完了進行形 ② 名詞・冠詞 人称代名詞 ③ 受け身 (6) sting 刺すこと,~を刺す be fond of lifts honeybee ミツバチ be similar to ~に似ている beehive ハチの巣 colony コロニー categorize ~を分類する tens of thousands of 何万もの〜 drone 雄バチ lay eggs 卵を産む lifespan (5) 4 The worker bees are the largest population in the hive. They are all female bees but can't lay eggs. A worker bee's life is rather short. They live around 40 days. Their job is to keep the queen bee happy. They do all the work but change jobs as they grow. For about a week after birth, they mainly clean the hive. Sometime between five to sixteen days after birth, they usually take care of the babies and help to build the hive. When they become twelve to eighteen days old, they carry food. After that, they guard the hive entrance. When they are three weeks old, they fly out the hive, pollinate plants and collect food. If you're a drone bee, life is hard. You're [ bear ], live for a month or two, and then die. During that time, you're not a productive member of the hive-you can't collect pollen or help to look after eggs, like worker bees-and you can't even sting anyone. Drone bees live with one thing in mind: mating with a queen. When they're lucky, they (7) can, but they die soon after that. 5 (8) 6 Every bee in the hive has a part to play in the survival and success of their kind. Bees have been living like this for ages. They work together and live in harmony. rule ~を統治する duty. female 雌の rather かなり as ~につれて guard 守る pollinate 授粉する productive pollen E Poj (2) C (7) in mind 考えて mate with ~と交尾する success, ** in harmony 問 1 調和して、仲良く PLE (4 (E

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英語 高校生

答えを教えてほしいです! お願いします🙇‍♂️💦

Exercises Part 1 Lesson 6 否定 1 Fill in each blank with a suitable word. 0a) That British teacher didn't eat any sashimi. b) That British teacher ate ( ) sashimi. 2a) The rules of shogi are so difficult that I cannot explain them. b) The rules of shogi are ( difficult for me ( ) explain. 3a) The book on tea ceremony was far from easy. b) The book on tea ceremony was not easy ( Itea ceremony「茶道」 4a)I have almost no knowledge of Japanese folk songs. b)I have( ●folk song「民謡」 ) knowledge of Japanese folk songs.o vhe 2 Fill in each blank with a suitable word. aabre oi lne o 1歌舞伎役者に女性はいない。 ) kabuki actors are women. 2最近は、海外留学する日本人が以前よりも減っている。 ) Japanese go overseas to study these days. 3日本人がみな能の鑑賞を好むわけではない。 ) Japanese like to see Noh performances. 4京都では、金閣寺の写真を撮りそこなった。 In Kyoto, I ( ) to take a photo of the Kinkakuji Temple. 3 Put the words in parentheses in the correct order. 1マグロの養殖 (tuna farming)は、 もはや夢ではない。 Tuna farming (a/any/dream/is/longer/ not). 2その水墨画(India-ink picture)の美しさに感嘆せずにはいられなかった。 ●admire 「~に感嘆する」 (admiring / could / help /I/ not) the beauty of the India-ink picture. ③彼女は、 毎年必ず親戚にお歳着(year-end gift)を送る。 ●relative 「親戚」 She(fails / never / her relatives / send / to/to/year-end gifts) every year. 4まもなく彼の新作アニメが公開される。 (be / before / it/long/not /will) his new animated filmis released. 4 Put the Japanese sentences into English. 1誰もが携帯電話を持っているわけではない。 2伊豆半島(the Izu Peninsula)では、 雪はめったに降らない。 ③彼の狂言の演技(kyogen performance)は、 決して満足の行くものではなかった。 4日本の漫画ほど面白いものはない。 下線部分を言い換えて、日本固有の文化を表すものについて、実物を見せながら"Show and Tel|" の TRY 形式で説明しましょう。 Today Ill tell you something really Japanese. This dish is lacquer ware called japan. I think no other tableware is more elegant than japan. lacquer ware=japan 「漆器」 / tableware 「食卓用食器類」 17

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