


英語 高校生

和訳あってますか? Q&A教えてください🙏 英語とハワリアンはハワイの2つの公用語ですが、ハワイアンピジン英語と呼ばれる言語もあります。それは日常会話の中で多くのハワイ住民によって話されています。ハワイの公告で使われることがあります。ピジンの文法は「標準英語」の文法とは異... 続きを読む

English and Hawaiian are the two official languages in Hawaii. However, there is also a language called Hawaiian Pidgin English. It is spoken by many Hawaiian residents in everyday conversation. It is sometimes used in public notices in Hawaii. The grammar of the 5 pidgin is different from that of "standard English". For example, "No can do" means “I can't do it", and "I going go" means "I will go”. ogged brow This pidgin English was influenced by many languages, including Portuguese, Hawaiian, and Cantonese. Over the years, people of several other language backgrounds came to work and live in Hawaii as well. The pidgin acquired words from these languages. For example, the word "musubi" is one of the loan words from Japanese. It is used daily as in "Spam Musubi", or "musubi" with pork on it. 10 OPTIONAL READING A Pidgin English ハワイのピジン英語について、読んでみましょう。 < JONSON Q&A ハワイ・オアフ島のワイキキビーチ pidgin English ピジン英語 《現地語と混合した英語》 1 Hawaii /\71 3 resident E 4 notice 5 "standard English" [ 12 Spam スパム 《豚肉の缶詰の商標名 》 don blow I Hawaiian ハワイ語、 ハワイの 4 grammar Da 10 acquire ~ 〜を獲得する 11 loan word ** 1 Is Hawaiian Pidgin English an official language in Hawaii? 2 Who uses this pidgin English? Plus What other Japanese words are used in foreign languages?

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