


英語 高校生


■仮定法過去は〈f+S+過去形~, S'+ would [could/ might/ should]+動詞の原形 ..> という形 「もしSが~ならば, S'は…する[できる]だろう」 という意味。 現在の事実に反する内容を述べるときに いる。動詞の過過去形が be 動詞の場合は原則的に were にする. 口語では was も使用される。 A)次の( )から適切な語句を選びなさい。 1. If I (had / have / am having) a chance, I would try again. 2. If it(is /will be /were) fine, I would go on a picnic. 3. If I (am/ were / will be) you, I would go there to study music. 4. If I had a car, I (can drive / drove / could drive) you home. 5. If Ben were here, I (will be /would be / am) happy. 6. If I could speak English better, he (will / may / might) employ me. 7. If I (sing / can sing / could sing) a song well, I would sing in front of you. 8. If she(take / takes / took) a taxi, she would not be late for the meeting. 9. If he (is /were / will be) taller. he could reach the box on the shelf. 10. If I lived in Tokyo, I (will / can / could) go to the concert. 11. If I had more time, I (may / can / could) play with you in the park. B 次の日本語の意味に合うように,( )内の語句を適切な形にして全文を書きなさい。 12. もし時間があれば,彼に会いに行けるのだが If I (have) time, I (can go) to see him. 13.彼女の住所がわかれば,手紙を書くのだが、 If I (know) her address, I (will write) to her. 14.私があなたなら,そのようなことは決してしないだろう. IfI (am) you, I (will never do) such a thing. 15.君が私の家の近くに住んでいたなら, 君と登校するのだが. If you (live) near my house, I (will go) to school with you. 16. ミユキがここにいたなら, 彼女は何と言うだろう。 If Miyuki (is) here, what (will she say)? 17. ブラウンさんがその知らせを聞いたなら, 驚くだろう. If Ms. Brown (hear) the news, she (will be) surprised.

解決済み 回答数: 1