


英語 高校生

写真の問題がわかりません。。 教えてください!

10 15 5 B) Read the following e-mail, and choose the best answer to each question. From: To: Date: Subject: Dear Mr. Westbrook, Elaine McGee <E_McGee@kingsley.co.uk> Nicolas Westbrook <nic_westbrook@heymail.com> June 25 Fashion columns ((1X2) = 4 points × 2, (3) = 5 points) Hello. I'm the editor of Kingsley Press. I'm writing to ask you to write a column for our publication “SUNNY," a monthly magazine which has been providing useful information for middle-aged men so that they can lead their lives cheerfully and actively. I have read your fashion blog, and liked the pictures and descriptions., Each article was very understandable and told me you have good taste. Also, I was impressed with your extensive knowledge of art. Currently, there are a lot of middle-aged men who can't decide what to wear or are not good at shopping for clothing. If you wrote a fashion advice column, it would probably be a great help to our readers. We are planning a column series titled "Brush up your fashion now." I would like you to write a one-page column of about 400 words with a picture of coordinates monthly. I am offering you $100 per article, but I would like to discuss this and other details with you later. If your columns are popular, we will ask you to write other columns about art or movies. Please contact me if you are interested. Sincerely yours, Elaine McGee Kingsley Press

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


mine. ⑩ 〈名詞+分詞句〉 分詞が他の語句を伴って, 名詞を後ろから修飾している. 名詞と分詞の関係 って現在分詞(~ing)か過去分詞(〜ed)かを考える.分詞が1語で名詞を修飾する場合は,〈分 詞〉 の語順になる. 例) a sleeping baby 「眠っている赤ちゃん」 ⓒ excitingとexcited - 現在分詞 exciting は「(物が)わくわくさせるような、おもしろい」の 過去分詞 excitedは「(人が)興奮している」という意味になる. 現在分詞か過去分詞かを問う問題 ③ <have +0 +過去分詞> 〈使役〉の意味. 0を~してもらう」という -> 分詞構文 分詞構文は, 〈接続詞+主語+動詞〉の意味を含んでいる. 「~するので」 「~すると すれば」など文脈によって様々な意味を表す. not などの否定語は分詞の前に置く. ⑤ All things considered 独立分詞構文の慣用表現で「すべてのことを考慮に入れると」という 【答】 1 spoken ⑤ considered ② exciting ③ pulled ④ Not knowing 次の文の下部 buots A 次の各文の空所に入る最も適当なものを1つずつ選びなさい. 1. The company is faced with ( ) costs of production. 1 grow 2 to grow 3 grown 2. I am sorry I have kept you () so long. 1 wait 2) waited ③ waiting 3. She went ( ) for the first time when she was fourteen. 1 skiing sk ② at ski ③ to skiing 4. The boss was standing at the door with her (______). ① fold arms (2) arms folded (3) folds arms ④ growing ④ to wait ④ for ski (4) arms to fold (宮崎

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


6限目 150点 TR/35-40 次の英文を読み, 問いに答えなさい。 ( 50点) Most people in the United States don't realize that they've been eating *genetically engineered foods since the mid-1990s. More than 60% of all processed foods on U.S. - supermarket shelves - including pizza, chips, cookies, ice cream, salad dressing, contain ingredients from engineered soybeans or corn syrup, and baking powder - 5 corn. Genetic change or modification is not a recent thing. Humans have been (5a)altering the genetic structure of plants for a few thousand years, keeping seeds from the best crops and planting them in following years, *crossbreeding varieties to make them taste sweeter, grow bigger, and (5b)last longer. (1)In this way we've transformed the 10 wild tomato from a fruit the size of a grape to today's giant, juicy tomatoes. But (2)the technique of genetic engineering is new, and quite different from conventional breeding. Traditional breeders mix together related organisms whose genetic structures are similar. In so doing, they transfer a great number of genes. By contrast, today's genetic engineers can transfer just a few genes at one time between 15 species that are distantly related or not related at all. Genetic engineers can pull a desired gene from almost any living organism and insert it into almost any other organism. They can put a rat gene into lettuce to make a plant that produces vitamin C or blend genes from an insect into apple plants, The purpose offering protection from various diseases that damage apples and pears. 20 is the same: (3) to insert a gene or genes from one organism carrying a desired characteristic into another organism which does not have that characteristic. between The engineered organisms that scientists produce by transferring genes species are called transgenic organisms. Several dozen transgenic food crops are (5e)currently on the market, including varieties of corn, pumpkin, soybeans, and 25 cotton. Most of these crops are engineered to help farmers deal with age-old agricultural problems: weeds, insects, and disease. (4) many scientists see great potential in the products of this new Autopotah pred sage biotechnology, some scientists see uncertainty and even danger. Critics fear that genetically engineered products are being rushed to market before their effects are ▶ NOTES genetically engineered food: 遺伝子組み換え食品 crossbreed: 異種交配させる 28 30 fully unde engineere from (5d) 問1 下着 下 問2 問3 下 42 1 問5 問6

解決済み 回答数: 1