


数学 高校生

私はいまニュージーランドに留学している今年度上智大学を受験予定の高校2年生です。上智大学の経営学科の帰国生入試には和訳問題があるのですが、どれも自分には難しく、現地の先生にアドバイスしていただいてもいまいちわかりません。どなたか、回答を教えていただければと思います。 下線... 続きを読む

Why - and why now? Because of the shift in the Experience Economy. Goods and services are no longer enough; what consumer want today are experience - memorable events that engage them in an inherently personal way. As paid-for experiences proliferate, people now decide where and when to spend their money and time - the currency of experiences - as much if not more than they deliberate on what and how to buy (the purview of goods and services). (1) But in a world increasingly filled with deliberately and sensationally staged experiences - an increasingly unreal world - consumers choose to buy or not buy based on how real they perceive an offering to be. Business today, therefore, is all about being real. Original. Genuine. Sincere. Authentic. In any industry where experiences come to the fore, issues of authenticity follow closely behind. Think of Disneyland. No place before or since its opening in 1955 has provoked more debate on authenticity within modern culture, nor has any other business sparked more controversy on the effect of commercial activity on the reality of modern living than the Walt Disney Company. (2) Or think coffee. Starbucks earns several dollars for every cup of coffee, over and above the few cents the beans are worth, precisely because it has learned to stage a distinctive coffee-drinking experience centered on the ambience of each place and the theatre of making each cup. Perhaps no other company in the world more earnestly and steadfastly seeks to render authenticity ー resolutely shaping how real consumers perceive it to be. The task has become harder and harder, however, as Starbucks has grown from one shop in Seattle to over 13,000 venues around the world, for nothing kills authenticity like ubiquity. The success of Starbucks no longer depends on its operational prowess or taste superiority; it lies solely in sustaining coffee drinkers' perception of the Starbucks experience as authentic. (3) Now that the Experience Economy has reached full flower - supplanting the Service Economy as it had in turn overtaken the Industrial Economy, which itself had replace the Agrarian Economy - such issues of authenticity now bear down on not only all experience offerings but across all of the economyY.

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数学 高校生


I| 次の文章を読み、下継部分の日本語を英語に直しなさい。: に In my classes, I often tell my students, "Get outi" I'm not thrówing them out of the classroom; I'm_encouraging them to get out-of Japan. to study abroad. Japanese university students are often hesitant to study abroad, but I argue that nothing could-be more.important. Why.not go? I ask them: You can always come back. Recently, the education ministry has been askdng the same question -but going one step further, by. offering: money! To encourage. students to study abroad, the ministry announced it will start offering funds for universities to expand and imprave study abroad programs, (そうすることがこれまで以上に 多くの日本人大学生を留学する気にさせるだろう) Actually, more students did study abroad, before. (2004年から2009年にか けて、日本から海外への留学者数は3割近く減少した). number of students. from, Korea, China and India studying abroad more than doubled during. that same period, according to the Institute of. International 2) In contrast. the Education, a U.S. nonprofit organization. : (日本と他のアジア諸国との差は年々 広がっている)。 Of course, Japanese students may be exposed more to. foreign culture and get more second language contact inside: Japan The opportunities here to study other languages and have contact with people:from other countries are fairly numerous, especially in big cities. (しかしそれは他国に行ってそこの文 化に浸ってみるのとは同じではない) (4 出典 Michael Pronko, Stiudy Abroad? Why Not? 週刊 Student Times, ジャバ ンタイムズ社 2012年4月20日 記事の一部を改変

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