


英語 高校生

Q&Aを教えてください! よろしくお願いします(*・ω・)*_ _)ペコリ

ection 1 Setting What does Takita do in Kenya? サイの治療のようす I'm Takita Asuka, a veterinarian in Kenya. I have been working to protect African wildlife, especially elephants. In Africa, over 20,000 elephants are killed by illegal hunters every year. They want the elephants' African elephants have been in danger of G 5 ivory. extinction for many years. To take care of animals, my colleagues and I often drive on rough roads for more than 200 kilometers a day. Sometimes I even fly a light plane to look for o injured animals. I also work with rangers to protect animals from illegal hunters. I have been living in a tent in the savanna for more than ten years. People often ask me, “Aren't you scared to live near wild animals?" In fact, I sometimes hear - lions roar near my tent at night, but I'm used to it. & Takita Asuka 滝田明日香さんが、 生徒たちに講 ©Asuka Takita サバンナの上空を飛ぶ滝田さん 3 20,000 twenty thousand 9 look for ~ ~ を探す SY-TAE 4 illegal hunter # 13 be scared to 〜 〜するの journey Ide 5 be in danger veterinarian [vétərənérian African la wildlife (wal illegal ilig ©Asuka Takita colleague(s) [káli:g(z)] rough (ri kilometer(s) [kilá:mətər(z) ranger(s) [réindzər(z)] savanna (sava 1. Do illegal hunters kill elephants to get their ivory? 2. How far a day does Takita often drive to take care of animals? 3. What does she sometimes hear at night? roar [ro:] Yes, I do TFO 1 OXO 2 13 BER S Rea 滝 仁 F C

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

英語です。 並び替えが分からないため解説お願いします🙇‍♀️

問い2 次の(A), (B)のそれぞれの英文の( )内の語を並べ換えて意味の通じる正し い文にするには、( )内にもう1話ずつ補わなければならない。 その補う べき語を下の中から選びなさい。 但し同じものを反復して選んではならない。 (A)(1) That was among the few books (kept, he, side, his). (2) It seems easier here to (heat, up, the, put) than in Kyoto. (3) Her good command of foreign languages (set, far, might, her) most of the students. (4) He left the window and (back, down, his, lay) on the bed again. (5) I had learned early in my career that (act, can, one, one's) will. (6) He turned his face (of, pursuit, if, in) the sun journeying westward. 1. above 2. against 3. as 4. by 5. on 6.with (B) (7)Many years of experience abroad (possible, me, to, it, made) start a new enterprise at home. (8) They were all astonished at the rapidity (he, speak, learned, to, which) BRA English. (9) A book which is worth reading at all (read, likely, be, to, is) than once. (10) Nuclear weapons leave us with (live, no, to, together, choice) or die together. (11) Much of (is, men, beneficial, what, all) has been done by those who neither intended nor knew the good they did. (12) Modern art is not so much concerned with portraying an object exactly as (the, to, appears, eye, it) with capturing its soul. 1. as 2. but 3. for 4. more 5. of 6. that 7. to 8. with

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


tears. 3. 次の日本語に合うように、[ ]内の語句を並べかえなさい。 ただし、不要な語句が1つある. (1) 夕食に遅れてごめんなさい. Forgive[for dinner / arrive / arriving / me / late / for ]. Forgive (2) 事務所を出るとき, かぎをかけ忘れないでね. [forget / to lock / locking / don't / the door ] when you leave the office. (3) 彼はためしに彼女に手紙を書いてみたが, 返事はなかった. [to write / writing / he / her / a / tried / to / letter], but there was no answer. when you leave the office. , but there was no answer. (4) 人生という長い航海の間には何が起きるかわかりません. Lit / there / what may happen / is / no / the long journey / telling / during ] of life. (1) 兄はお好み焼きを作るのが得意です。 〈good を用いて〉 My brother (5) 僕のノートパソコンはとても頻繁に動かなくなるので、修理が必要だ. My laptop computer freezes [ that / needs / frequently / it / so / repairing/ being repaired ]. My laptop computer freezes 4. 次の日本語に合うように、英文を完成させなさい. of life. (2) 父は医者の忠告でタバコをやめた. 〈give を用いて〉 My father (3) 私はその本を楽しんで読んだ.その本は読むに値するとわかった. 〈enjoy を用いて〉 I I found it (4) 彼は恥ずかしがり屋だったので彼女に話しかけることができなかった. His shyness okonomiyaki. to her.

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

c の答えと解説お願いします。 なるべく早く回答してくださるとありがたいです🙇

Vocabulary A Choose the correct definition for the underlined words. 1. They developed the new car in cooperation with Japanese engineers. ( ) 2. Take care to avoid any trouble on your journey. 3. Many birds are flying overhead. 4. Oh, that man threw trash from his car window! 5. When I read English newspapers, I can read 150 words per minute. a working together b things that are no longer useful above your head d for each e to prevent something from happening B Choose the correct word for each sentence below. 1. The satellite is now in (orbital/ orbit ) around the moon. 2. Can you (measurement / measure) the length between point A and point C? 3. I got a lot of exercise and lost a lot of (weight / weigh). C Fill in the blanks to rephrase the sentences. 1. Don't stand while the bus is still moving. → Don't stand while the bus is still (going ) ( on ). Lesson 5 Space Debris 2. I tried to pick up the old, dusty book, but it broke into parts as soon as I touched it. → I tried to pick up the old, dusty book, but it (Came) ( off ) as soon as I touched it. 3. Firefighters tried to control the fire. → Firefighters tried to (bring) the fire (and) control. 4. We continued to get information about the changes in the weather. - We ( ) ( ) of the changes in the weather. 5. They always prevent us from doing things. They always ( ) ( ) ( ) way of us doing things. Tips debris debris は「(破壊されたものの) 破片がれき」という意味である。 trash, garbage, fubbish などは 「ごみ」 を表す語で, trash と garbage はアメリカ英語, rubbish はイギ リス英語である。 一方, waste は何かを作った際に残った 「廃棄物」などを指す。 では、 litter はどのようなごみを意味する語だろうか。

解決済み 回答数: 1