

問い2 次の(A), (B)のそれぞれの英文の( )内の語を並べ換えて意味の通じる正し い文にするには、( )内にもう1話ずつ補わなければならない。 その補う べき語を下の中から選びなさい。 但し同じものを反復して選んではならない。 (A)(1) That was among the few books (kept, he, side, his). (2) It seems easier here to (heat, up, the, put) than in Kyoto. (3) Her good command of foreign languages (set, far, might, her) most of the students. (4) He left the window and (back, down, his, lay) on the bed again. (5) I had learned early in my career that (act, can, one, one's) will. (6) He turned his face (of, pursuit, if, in) the sun journeying westward. 1. above 2. against 3. as 4. by 5. on 6.with (B) (7)Many years of experience abroad (possible, me, to, it, made) start a new enterprise at home. (8) They were all astonished at the rapidity (he, speak, learned, to, which) BRA English. (9) A book which is worth reading at all (read, likely, be, to, is) than once. (10) Nuclear weapons leave us with (live, no, to, together, choice) or die together. (11) Much of (is, men, beneficial, what, all) has been done by those who neither intended nor knew the good they did. (12) Modern art is not so much concerned with portraying an object exactly as (the, to, appears, eye, it) with capturing its soul. 1. as 2. but 3. for 4. more 5. of 6. that 7. to 8. with


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

(1) 4. by
That was among the few books (he kept by his side). ※by one's side 人のそばに
(2) 6. with
It seems easier her to (put up with the heat) than in Kyoto. ※put up with … …を我慢する
(3) 1. above
Her good command of foreign languages (might set her far) above most of the students.
※set A above B BよりもAを優先する
(4) 5. on
He left the window and (lay down on his back) on the bed again.
※lie down on one’s back あおむけに横たわる
(5) 2. against
I had learned early in my career that (one can act against one’s) will.
※against one's will 人の意思に反して
(6) 3. as
He turned his face (as if in pursuit of) the sun journeying westward.
※as if … まるで…のように in pursuit of … …を追いかけて
(7) 3. for
Many years of experience(S) abroad (made(V) it(O) possible(C) for me to) start a new enterprise at home. 
<形式目的語it:真目的語to start … home>
(8) 8. with
They were all astonished at the rapidity <(with which he learned to speak) English>.
← They were all astonished at the rapidity. + He learned to speak English with rapidity.
※with rapidity 迅速に learn to ~ ~することができる
(9) 4. more
A book <which is worth reading at all> (is likely to be read more) than once.
※be likely to ~ ~しそうである、~する可能性がある more than … …を超える
(10) 2. but
Nuclear weapons leave us with (no choice but to live together) or die together.
※leave 人 with … 人に…を残す no choice but to ~ ~する以外の選択なし
(11) 7. to
Much of <(what is beneficial to all men)> has been done by those <who neither intended nor knew the good they did>.
※be beneficial to … …にとって有益である
(12) 1. as
Modern art is not so much concerned with portraying an object exactly <as(接続詞) (it(S) appears(V) to the eye> as) with capturing its soul.
※not so much A as B AというよりはむしろB be concerned with … …に関心がある



