


英語 高校生


プペンシルで解 people than ever can find an audience time filled with disasters, online, "conspiracy theories seem to be growing crazier by the day. We also tend to believe in such things under increased stress, which is unfortunate because many of these ideas are Some conspiracy theorists pride themselves on being "critical freethinkers," but a new damaging our democracies and ourselves. study showing a connection between lower critical thinking skills and increased conspiracy (2) theory belief suggests this may not be the case. "Conspiracy theories refer to attempts to explain the ultimate cause of an important event (social, political, climatic, etc.) by accusing a hidden group of perceived evil, powerful people or organizations of having secretly planned and carried out these events," say Paris Nanterre University psychologist Anthony Lantian and team in their paper. two studies, the researchers tested the critical thinking skills of 338 a French version of the Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test. They then scored the students' tendencies towards conspiracy beliefs and their personal Across undergraduate students (4) the objective analysis and assessment of their own critical thinking skills. Critical thinking. evaluation of a situation requires a collection of cognitive skills. These include the ability to distinguish between relevant versus irrelevant information, think systematically, see other perspectives, recognize and avoid logical *fallacies, look beyond the obvious, be aware of and avoid biases, and change your mind in light of new evidence. "The more people believe in conspiracy theories, the worse they perform on a critical thinking ability test," Lantian said. "This test is characterized by an *open-ended format highlighting several areas of critical thinking ability in the context of argumentation." (6) All this is not to say that those with high critical thinking skills can't also be sucked into believing things that may not necessarily be true. The way (7) [is wired /a/ makes / thinking/ social species / our / as] us very vulnerable to believing those we identify with as part of our own cultural group- no matter how much education we have had that boosts science literacy. Trust plays a massive role in who we believe. We also have a tendency to believe each of us is above average at detecting misinformation, which can't possibly be true. Researchers have also linked this need to feel special to greater belief in conspiracies. Lantian and team point out that while their study suggests critical thinking lowers Deople's chances of believing in untrue conspiracy theories, the findings don't determine if (8) (9) た場合,そ 数学【数学 験番号 【化学 b てお 3 In a more (1) ① 次の英文を読んで、下の設問に答えなさい。 1 - (3) the po no a E

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英語 高校生

黄色線のところについてですが、between 複数名詞となっていますがどう訳せば良いんですか?between の後についている名詞が1つしかないので分かりません。どことどこの間ですか?

[Review] redt toda lira olqooq u obat A few years ago, a large American university had a new campus built, where each building was designed with consideration for such aspects as access, environmental impact, and use of advanced information and communication technology. However, at an early stage of the design of the campus, it was pointed out that no plans had been made for pathways or other routes between the new buildings. Such routes often present problems to architects, as the way people will walk between buildings is hard to predict before construction. The university president, who had taken personal charge of the project, said, "Just plant grass; don't make any pathways." The other members of the project committee were astonished at this instruction, but since the president had a reputation for vision in design and development, the committee agreed to construct no pathways but only to plant grass on the campus. One year after the completion of the new campus, the university president called for the committee to meet and inspect the development. Over the grassy lawns between the buildings, tracks had been clearly made by students and faculty walking from one place to another. "There!" said the president, pointing to the trackways, "Put the pathways there, where the tracks have already been made."

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英語 高校生

学校を休んでしまい分かりません💦 教えて下さい🙇‍♀️ 答えは持っていません

EXERCISES a ( )内の語句に関係代名詞を加えて並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 (1) This is (be/aplant/must) watered every day.monme plant which must be (2) The architect (city hall / designed / is / our) my cousin. is cityhall who our clesigned (3) (speak / people / English/ don't ) can't apply for this job. people don't speak which English. 2 日本語に合うように,( )に適語を入れなさい。 (1) 私たちが発明した製品は画期的だ。 The product ( ) ( 関係代名詞 ① (4) You (eat/contain/vegetables / should) a lot of vitamins. ) ( (2) 彼は私が長い間知っている少年だ。 He is a boy ( ) ( PA ) is groundbreaking. )()( (3) その先生はしばしば私が答えられない質問をしてくる。 The teacher often asks me questions ( ) ( (4) 私のおじが買った車はハイブリッドです。 The car ) ( ) ( ) for a long time. ) ( Pid20 (2)状況 久しぶりのクラス会。 だれだか思い出せなくて・・・。 What is the name (the man / just / in / who / of / came / which ) ? A ) is a hybrid. 3 与えられた状況に合うように ( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 ただし、不要な語 句が1つずつ含まれています。 zdrow trabi2919 9 odw Ei soov at berjaly I G AB (1)状況 すてきな時計をしているね,と友人に言われて…..。 f This is (bought / my / me / the watch / father/ who) two years ago. (3)状況 スペイン語の学習が進んできて、難しいことにも挑戦したくなりました。 I want to read (in / that / a novel / Spanish/who / written / is ). B [ ]内の語句を参考にして, ~, ...に自由に語句を入れ、 オリジナルの英文をつくりなさい。 AB (1) 私には~が得意な友だちがいる。 [who/good] (②)〜(人)は私が昨日・・・した人に似ている。 [look like ]

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英語 高校生


plainly Dreaming is a universal phenomenon, though much of what we dream may be forgotten, and some few persons are able only rarely to remember their dreams on waking. The dream represents mental activity during sleep. For this reason the workings of the unconscious mind can be more p 5 seen here than anywhere else. Ordinarily the thoughts and wishes of the unconscious mind are unknown to us, though it contains the source of creative and instinctive energy. As the oldest part of the concept-forming apparatus, it makes liberal use of such primitive methods of representation as symbolism. In a very general way, the unconscious mind of present-day man may be 10 compared to the conscious mind of the caveman, and dreams often remind us of the picture writing of the caveman, where a relatively few simple pictures used as symbols told a detailed story of events. In addition, it is the function of a dream to express a wish, but since the wishes of the unconscious are often highly instinctive in nature, they would be 15 as disturbing to most modern persons as would the acts of a caveman in present-day society. Therefore, most dreams are disguised enough to conceal their true meaning from the dreamer. This is accomplished through the intervention of the conscience, a much more recently developed function of the brain. In psychoanalysis an effort to get the true meaning of the dream is 20 made by having the dreamer give all his thoughts and feelings about every element of the dream. These are then pieced together by the analyst, who uses his knowledge of the life history of the individual as a reference point. By this means, unconscious thoughts and wishes, as well as long-forgotten experiences, can be revealed so as to give the dreamer a much more complete understand- 25 ing of himself. Passage 35 Psychoanalysis ー語句と構文- 13. on waking = /17. As the oldest part of the concept-forming apparatus, it makes = それは概念を形成するための装置一式の中の一番古い部品と ・・・ 訳) / L.9. may be compared to 〜 = 〜になぞらえるこ 272 - ( CLOSE ときに目く とし 16 1027 性質を るだろ ある。 見た BO 17 わ

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