


英語 高校生

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第12章 主語と述語動詞の一致 121 Section pp.200- 201 The number of convenience stores in Japan () increased tremendously. 11 超頻出 441 の has 2 have 3 has been の have been (九州国際大》 A number of passengers ( 12 )in the railway accident. 442 O has injured ② were injured 3 injured Sanei.I oguniS was injured O ob doinW voH ) (拓殖大) Section 122 pp.202- 203 国連は,戦闘で20万人が命を落とし200万人が難民となったと見積もっている。 13 443 The United Nations ( ) that 200,000 people have died in the fighting and two million others have been displaced. ggb woll O is estimated 2 estimating Dnal im al yneva" 3 have been estimated woH" ④ estimates 〈杏林大) unim na The three books Cost me more than I expected. One hundred dollars 。are 。a 444 large sum of money for me. 〈愛知学院大) 90o mism. srd o) stefl mot grol oH Section 123 pp.202- 203 You might envy those who 。drive deluxe cars and live in gorgeous mansions. But の 445 沈本日) the rich is not always happy. gno! e0ob 〈東京農業大) I have two friends from high school who () injured in the crash. Suoy ③ have 1Ot ④ has 16 超頻出 446 (帝京大) 1 was were )about people who lived in the nineteenth century. (法政大) That book on famous artists ( 超頻出 447 の tell ② is 3 are O show 1ohw Vblot Verle 図図図 図図図 図図図 図図図 図図図 図図図

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