


英語 高校生

【至急】 答え合わせ用に解答がほしいです! ひとつの設問だけでもいいので、送ってくださると助かります🙇

Practice |Ican talk about the rules of my house. 1各文を,肯定文は否定文に,否定文は肯定文に書きかえなさい。A Ho。 1. Imissed my family during my stay in Europe. 2. The restaurants in my town are open on Sundays. 3. Julia grows flowers in her garden. 4. Mike will show up for the party tonight. Sf oa uoy bib aid noinu erWE downtown. Ysbrinid nuov al nedW ム 5. This bus doesn't go 101d vns UOV oda 6. The store on the corner sells stamps. 7. Iwasn't happy with the result of the game. e DO 2各文を Yes /No疑問文に書きかえ, 1.~4. は Yes で, 5.~7. は No で答えなさい。B 1. He put on his raincoat before going out. nail 2. Jim can read books in German. ahsq s rtiW 3. Alice was busy with her homework after school. 4. They arrived in time for their train. 5. His school has a big swimming pool. dhe citgnisia 9msnloM S 6. She takes tennis lessons every Sunday. Tgin Toinuu 7. This writer's new book is popular among young people. Vebrnis A 3 下線部が答えとなる疑問文をつくりなさい。 B dto1a 2 1. Ken became an American citizen in 1995. 2. Janet attended the opening ceremony of the event yesterday. CIOE 3. I chose this school because it's near my house. 4. Ted won the gold medal in the marathon last Saturday. 5. My father took these beautiful photos in Okinawa. 6. Fifty-five people took part in the computerlesson. elelamoo 4次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。総合 1. あの部屋に入ってはいけません。 2.「あの背の高い男性はあなたのお兄さんですよね。」 「いいえ, エミリーのお兄さんです。」 3. このかばんには値札が付いていません。 (price tag) 4. デザートにアイスクリームを注文しましょう。 (for dessert) 5. この腕時計はなんておしゃれなの!(stylish) あなたの家庭のルールを, 命令文の形で3つ書いてみよう。 (例)Come home by 8 o'clock. Don't use your cell phone after 9 p.m. Go to bed before midnight. Use it Lesson!

解決済み 回答数: 1