


英語 高校生

答え合っていますか? 空欄にしてあるところ分かりません😭 教えてください!! ベストアンサーに絶対します!

(Try! 1. If you (be) late again, we will leave without you. カレッジ フェスティバル 2. I will go to the college festival if she ( 2 ) with me. 語形変化 ① come ② comes (京都嵯峨芸術大) ③ will be coming ④ would come 132 I wonder when the next bus ( ① arrives ② arrived Try! I have no idea when John ( ① lends ② was lend 3). ③ will arrive 3) me that magazine. ③ will lend ④ has arrived ④ is lending 名詞節の when 節で 未来の内容を表すと き, when 節内の動 詞の形は? この文では when節は 名詞節、それとも副詞 節 ? 133 We will send you the package when we ( ① receive ② received ③ will receive Try! 1. You don't have to stay awake and wait for him. I will let you know when he (come). 2. When I ( 2 ), I will travel round the world. comes T100 副詞節の when 節で未来の内容を表 すとき, when 節内の 動詞の形は? この文では when 節は 名詞節, それとも副詞 節 ? ) it. ④ will have received ① retire ② will retire ③ retired ④ will have retired (星薬科大) 英作文 次の日本語の意味に合う英文を書きなさい。 (わからない場合は,示されている問題番号の英文を Engage で確認すること) 1. 昨夜, 彼らがテニスをしているときに事故が起こった。 When 2. マミは彼女の母親に似ている。 Engage 2 T100 Engage 4 T100 Engage 5 第 XX 3. 彼らはちょうど大阪に向かって出発したところだ。 (・・・に向かって出発する: leave for ...) Engage 11 T100 4. 彼は彼のお姉さんが前日に買ったいすを壊した。 (過去完了を使って) Engage 20 T10C 5. 今月の終わりで,私たちは英語を10年間学んでいることになる。 (未来完了進行形を使って) Engage 2 By

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英語 高校生


III. Aaron と Mayuka との間に, 自然な会話が成立するように,空欄 ( 31 ) から ( 40 ) に入る最も適切な表現を, a.〜d. の中から1つ選びなさい。 解答は解答用紙1枚目 (マークシート方式) の所定の解答欄にマークしなさい。 Aaron: So, Mayuka, after you graduate, ( 31 ) Mayuka: Well, I'm thinking of taking some time off and traveling for a while. Do you know about working holidays? Aaron: I've heard of them, but I don't know very much about them. Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: (31) (32) (33) (34) Well, in certain countries you can work while you travel. (32) it's easy to extend your trip. (33) But actually, I think I want to start work right away. Oh really? What kind of company would you like to work for? (34) A big company would be great for long-term stability. But it might be a little bit boring. That's true. How about ( 35 ) I think I'd really love that. It seems really exciting and I think it would involve innovative thinking. But I'm a bit worried the pay might be lower than I want, and of course it's always possible that the company ( 36 ) Yeah I guess it's tough making decisions about where to work. If you could work anywhere, what would your dream job be? I'd like to work somewhere where ( 37 ) Maybe a green business of some sort? What would your dream job be? I'd like to start my own business and help to revitalize the economy in my hometown! It's in the countryside, here in Japan. Oh! What kind of business ( 38 ) I'm not exactly sure, but I'd like to use the experience I get on my working holiday to try to figure out what kind of business would be best. I'd like to start a business that combines (39) with international marketing opportunities. Wow! (40) a. do you have anything to do? b. what do you have to do? c. what do you want to do? d. do you want something to do? a. Since you can earn money while you're abroad b. You should add more days to your trip so c. Since it's interesting to work abroad d. Because you have never been abroad a. Keep telling me! b. It doesn't make sense. c. What a shock! d. That sounds great! a. It's already been decided! b. It's hard to decide. c. What have you decided? d. That's not a difficult decision.

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