


英語 高校生

[2]を教えてほしいです 3がどれなのかわかりません💦

(8) He told me (9) I told him everything that was on my mind. that he had come to Tokyo the day before. 20 C c (10) The weak point of this house is that the kitchen is too small. 5 V ↓ 2月 各文中のifは下に挙げた意味の中のどの意味で使われているかを番号で 示し、下線部が名詞節副詞節形容詞節のいずれであるかを示せ。 【ifの意味】 「もし・・・ならば」 こうか ③と (1) I'll buy you something if it's under 2,000 yen. (2) She asked me if I could go to the party. し 2. (3) You can't tell if fruit will taste good or bad by its size. 2. 力を使わなければ2 (4) Bring him here if you have to use force) Ter (5) I don't know if you'll like them, but won't you try one of these? (6)I'll call the police if you come again.. (7)She is tasting the soup to see if it has enough salt. S 0 試です 2. 【3】 下線部が名詞句・副詞句・形容詞句のいずれであるかを示せ。 (1) The house on the hill is on fire. (2) The church stood on the hill. (3) He hit his elbow on the corner of the desk. (4) She cut the meat with a kitchen knife. (5) Yesterday I met a woman with a pretty face. (6) After his bath he dried himself with a towel. (7) Astudent's duty is to study. (8) He was born in a town near London. (9) A new restaurant just opened near the company. 【4月下線部を[]内の語に変え、肯定文は否定文に否定文は よ。 (1) He isn't older than I. [They] (2) I can run faster than Jack. [She]

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

超至急 英検二級ライティング採点お願いします  理由は 盗まれる可能性があると食べ物がぐちゃぐちゃになってしまうで描きました 英語が苦手なので細かめに解説してほしいです

(38) Which of the following state 1 One of the most famous printing companies in Venice established in 1494. was has 2 The number of stores in Venice making handmade booksh 3 Olbi holds an annual exhibition in Venice to display the work increased since 1962. `of his students. 4 Laws to stop international trade were introduced in Venice in the Middle Ages. 1 このリ ★英文 第1部 第2部 2 No. 30 第1 4 ライティング ●以下の TOPICについて, あなたの意見とその理由を2つ書きなさい。 ●POINTS は理由を書く際の参考となる観点を示したものです。 ただし、これら 以外の観点から理由を書いてもかまいません。 ●語数の目安は80語~100語です。 about ●解答は、解答用紙のB面にあるライティング解答欄に書きなさい。なお、解答 欄の外に書かれたものは採点されません。 aniinity S ●解答が TOPIC に示された問いの答えになっていない場合や, TOPIC からずれ ていると判断された場合は, 0点と採点されることがあります。 TOPIC の内容 をよく読んでから答えてください。 No.1 No. TOPIC Today, some customers ask delivery companies to put packages by their doors instead of receiving them directly. Do you think this kind of service will become more common in the future? POINTS Convenience ● Damage ● Security 40 40 In being lost No. No N

解決済み 回答数: 1