


英語 高校生


3 次の英文を読み, 空所に入れるのに最も適切なものを, それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。 Cigarette smoking has negative effects not only on the body of the person who smokes but also on the body of someone who regularly breathes in second-hand smoke. Some of the most obvious effects are high blood pressure, sleep disorders, heart failure, and lung cancer. Despite such harmful consequences, ( 10 ). It has been reported that smoking creates feelings of pleasure, reduces tension, and promotes close relationships. Many smokers admit that smoking is a bad habit. ( 11 ), they tend to think that the number of cigarettes that they smoke is below the danger level and thus are not worried about the risk. Some even feel that they do not breathe in the smoke and that a cure for cancer will be found before they become ill with the disease. We have to admit that smoking is a habit which is difficult to break ( 12 ) the nicotine found in tobacco goes into the blood and stimulates the brain, making smokers feel pleasant for several minutes. What is more, the smoker usually feels anxious and wants to have another cigarette. ( 13 ) the policies that now ban smoking in most public areas, the stress that people often experience at work and at home can force them to smoke. ( 10 ) ①some people decide to stop smoking millions of people continue to smoke ( 11 ) the price of cigarettes has risen ①smoking is more harmful than drinking Therefore 2 While ③ Of course 4 However (12) 1 because 2 as a result 3 but SO (13) ①Despite 2 Although (3) But 4 Yet

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英語 高校生


2 次の英文を読み, 空所に入れるのに最も適切なものを,それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。 (6) When growing tomatoes, we know we should pick them when they're bright red. With carrots, however, ( 6 ) because they grow underground. ①we should pick them when they turn orange (2) it's hard to know when they're ready (3) we should grow them more carefully than tomatoes (4) it's easy to know when they're bright red (7) Although it is quick, easy and convenient to be able to look up information on the internet, it can sometimes be difficult ( 7 ) because there is so much information. to find what you are looking for (2) to improve the convenience of the internet (3) to get more than what you need that people often experie (4) to have good computer literacy (8) Would you be happier if you were richer? Many people believe that they would be. But research conducted over many years suggests that ( 8 ). People in the United States, for example, are, on average, richer than New Zealanders, but they are not happier. poorer people tend to worry about their financial problems 2 pleasure in life usually comes from great wealth (3) the best way to be happy is learning how to save money greater wealth doesn't generally imply greater happiness (9) Many European rivers were once heavily polluted by manufacturing industries. As a result, wild animals dependent on clean water disappeared. However, as stricter environmental standards took effect, rivers such as the Thames of London have become much cleaner. Consequently, ( 9 ). water quality has continued to decline wild animals avoid drinking from the Thames (3) wild animals are making a comeback in many rivers (4) wild animals no longer depend on clean water

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英語 高校生

論表のワークです!お願いします🙏🏻 ̖́-

Lesson 4 Esports' Time Has apniwellot er /50 A Translate the English into Japanese and the Japanese into English. 【語彙の知識】(各1点) 1. various 形 B1 [ ] 2. 名 B1 戦闘, 対戦 3. respond B1 ] 4. strategy 名 A2 [ 5. 名 A2 社会, 世間 6. 名 A2 基本, 原理 ] B Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three 【発音の知識】 (2点) 1. 7. basic イ. battle ウ. practice I. strategy 2. ア. another イ. gold 7. over I. program 3. ア. electronic 1. popular ウ. respond I. society C Complete the following English sentences to match the Japanese. 【表現と文法の知識】 1. そのテニスの試合は4月30日に開催されます。 The tennis tournament will ( 2. 私は美術や音楽のような芸術系の教科が好きです。 I like artistic subjects ( ) ( 3. 近頃, ますます多くの人が東京を訪れている。 ) and ( ) ( ) on April 30. ) art and music. (各3点) 1) people are visiting Tokyo these days. D Arrange the words in the proper order to match the Japanese. 【表現と文法の知識・技能】 Arranga. 1. プロ野球選手になるのは有名な歌手になるのと同じくらい難しい。 (各3点) Becoming a professional baseball player (as/as/becoming / difficult / is a famous singer. 2. 私にこの機械の使い方を教えてください。 Please (teach/use/to/me/how) this machine. 3. 私の試験の結果は彼女ほどはよくなかった。 My exam results (as/as/good/hers / weren't).

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