


英語 高校生


入試問題で 復習 & 力試し 5 1 ( )内に入る最も適切な語句を ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 (1) It ( ) me a few minutes to realize that his email was a kind of joke. 1 consumed 2 lasted 3 spent (2) He seemed to be unfriendly, but I've ( 1 become 2 come (3) Please ( 1 allow ) me have a look at the picture. 2 force (4) Our school allows students ( 1 use 2 to use 4 took ) to realize that he is kind at heart. 3 imagined (6) We should have the patient ( ) by a doctor. 1 examine 2 examined (8) I like it when I can feel the rain ( 1 ran 2 runs 3 let smartphones after all the classes end. 3 to using 3 to examine Tooh Word Gift viksva (7) The waiting room was so noisy that I didn't hear my name ( call 2 calls 3 called (9) Many residents saw the car ( be stopping (10) ( (5) The light in the stairway was broken for months. It took way too long to get ( 1 someone 2 someone to (3) someone who ) in the middle of the street. 2 been stopping 3 to stop ) down my cheeks. E3 running () showed up for the politician's speech. Little person 2 Little of people (12) A good education will ( 1 enable ). ) you to have your own view of the world. 3 make 2 let LESSON 13~15 (13) A face shield might ( ) you from getting infected with viruses. 3 lead 1 bring SHONEntie sidin (2) cause (14) You are not ( ) to talk loudly in the library.JEY @better (3) capable 4 suggested 4 permit 4 into using 3 Few of person 4 gets (11) Listening to late-night radio programs (on) them relax after a long day. 1 kept 2 took 3 helps 4 to run (関西学院大) 4 someone will 4 stop (同志社女子大) (同志社女子大) 4 to be called 4 to be examined 4 take fix it. (慶應義塾大) (東京歯科大) 4 Few people (関西学院大) 4 supposed ayod) (杏林大) (群馬大) (獨協大) (芝浦工業大) (神奈川大) (宮城学院女子大) 3 (1) (日本大) gits be found ohsnt fid 4 prevent bue funds LadW ( 長崎県立大) (2) (3 (4

解決済み 回答数: 1