


英語 高校生

写真1枚目の英文(上から4段目)についてです。 When they ran〜の文に energy it transferredとありますが、訳を見たらすごいtransferから修飾してるっぽくみえるんです、、でもitって後置修飾なしのはずだしどうなんだろうと思いました。わか... 続きを読む

6 2023年度 英語 防衛医科大学校 -看護 marine organisms like squid or jellyfish that get around in a similar 移動する way. (10) aquarium Then, one by The researchers began their study, which was published Wednesday) (in Royal Society Open Science, by liberally sprinkling an with minuscule floating particles of aluminum oxide Th one, they put five chambered nautiluses into the tank, and let them jet about.[/ that //In the They used high-speed cameras, a laser that lit up the particles software that could record the particles' movements. constellation of specks, they saw the animals sucking in water, then forcing out in the direction they were moving away from, with the pocket of ( 11 ) water and the nautilus shooting apart at velocities they could readily calculate. [[ om.) When they ran the numbers, the researchers saw that the nautilus was able to use 30 to 75 percent of the energy it transferred to the to move. ater to > it 後置修飾 That was much higher than other similar swimmers. "Squid, they tend to be about 40 to 50 percent efficient," said Dr. Askew. Bell-shaped jellyfish, which pulse their bells to squirt out water, also tend to have lower than 50 percent efficiency. 問7 下線部(7) the chambered nautilus とは何かを選びなさい。 (1) ダイオウイカ (2) ジュール・ベルヌの 「海底二万マイル』 に出てくる潜水艦 (3) オウムガイ (4) アンモナイト

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


wal Rainforest trees are used to make things which we use every day. Rubber, for example, is used to make many things. The fruits of many forest trees ( 7 ) — forest people have eaten them for thousands of years. Today, all over the world, people eat rainforest food plants; for example, coffee, tea, oranges, and rice. Corn, which is an important food for many people of the world, is another rainforest plant. In 1970, a disease destroyed half the corn in the United States of America. Scientists began to look for new species in the rainforests. In 1987, in the Mexican rainforest, they found a new species which is stronger than other species. But we nearly lost this new species, because people were already cutting down that part of the Mexican rainforest. Hollywood, Los Angele movie stud (1) knows how many useful plants are already lost because people have SHOULD destroyed many of the rainforests of the world. Directors, actors, and writ The trees of the rainforests help the Earth's air because their leaves use carbon dioxide and make oxygen, which we need to live. its high point in these year They are also important because they control some of the Earth's weather. Through they give out water vapor which makes heavy clouds. The clouds then move to other parts of the Earth and give rain. The clouds also protect the Earth their large leaves, from the sun. (ウ) 日 moved to like Today, the Earth is slowly getting hotter, and in some places changes in the weather are making life much more difficult. We need to learn more about the Earth's weather while we still have the rainforests. and see the golden

未解決 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


(2) 次の操作は, 分離・精製の方法として何がふさわしいか。 その名称を答えよ。 (ア) 海水を, 水と塩化ナトリウムなどの成分に分ける。 (イ) ごま塩から塩化ナトリウムを得る。 (ウ) 牛乳の中の油分を取り出す。 (エ) 黒色の水性サインペンの色素の成分を確認する。 考え方 (1) (ア) 水溶液は混合物である。 (ウ) 空気は, 窒素・酸素・その他からなる。 (エ) 炭酸水素ナトリウムのことである。 (オ) いろいろな油が混合している。 答 純物質:イ,エ 混合物 アウ,オ (2) (ア)蒸留すれば, 純粋な水と塩化ナトリウ 類題・ 1 ..... ムなどに分離できる。 (イ) 水に溶かしてろ過し, 塩化ナトリウム水溶 液を得て, 水を蒸発させる。 (ウ) エーテルなどの溶媒を用いると、 油分を抽 出できる。 答 (ア) 蒸留 (イ) ろ過 (ウ) 抽出 (エ) クロマトグラフィー 次の分離・精製に最も適した操作法(複数の場合もある) を答えよ。 (ア) 少量の砂と硫酸銅(ⅡI) を含んだ硝酸カリウムから硝酸カリウムを取り出す。 (イ) ウイスキーからアルコールを取り出す。

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