


英語 高校生

英語長文ポラリス2の文構造について質問です。写真のピンクの矢印の「But」は等位接続詞として解説してあるのですが、よくわかりません。 どの節や句と接続しているのでしょうか? (副詞として書かれていたなら、まだわかるのですが…)

2 1 There are indeed cases [where linguistic change can lead to problems V S of unintelligibility, ambiguity, and social division]. 和訳 言語が変化することで、 意味が通じなくなったり、あいまいになったり、社会が 分断されたりといった問題につながり得る場合も実際にある。 語句 linguistic 「言語の」、 ambiguity 「あいまいさ」、division 「分割」 If change is too rapid), there can be major communication problems, S V C V (as in contemporary Papua New Guinea ) S - a point [which needs to be considered (in connection with the field of language planning)]. |和訳 変化があまりに急激だと、言語政策について検討する必要がある時期にきてい る現在のパプアニューギニアのように、コミュニケーション上の大問題にもなり 得る。 語句 in connection with ~ 「~に関連して」 3 But (as a rule), the parts of language [which are changing (at any S given time)] are tiny, (in comparison to the vast, unchanging areas of language). VC 和訳 しかし概して、言語のうち、常時変化し続けている部分は、言語の広大な不変 の領域と比べれば極めて小さい。 語句 in comparison to ~ 「~と比較すると」 188 4 (Indeed), it is (because change is so infrequent) that it is so distinctive 強調構文 and noticeable. SV 和訳 実際、言語の変化がこれほど顕著で目立つのは、 それがごくまれにしか起こら ないからなのだ。 語句 infrequent 「めったに起こらない」、 distinctive 「特徴的な」 noticeable 「目 「立つ」

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


3人の王の こめ to 62020 年度 英語 防衛医科大学校-医 道具の跡=工でついたキズ "This kind of system has never been discovered anywhere else |Gourdon said. "The study of the tool inarks and the presence of two G of Khufu's inscriptions (as to thé conclusion that this system in Giza," he added. SI dates back at least to Khufu's reign, the builder of the Great Pyramid クフ王建設者 碑文に書かれたもの (As) unler this system dates back at least to Khufu's reign, that means that during the fime of Khufu, ancient Egyptians knew how to move huge blocks of stone) using very steep slopes) Therefore they • very steep money have used it for the construction of his pyramid," Gourdon but said. 可能性 ココは 仮定の話よく見て~!! The Great Pyramid if the largest of the three Giza Pyramids) built for each of three pharaohsKhufu, Khafre and Menkaure / Khufu's is the largest pyramid ever constructed in Egypt, standing 481 feet (146 一存在 統治 技術 m)tall when it was first built / It (WS) Cordeled ba) wonder )the world by ancient writers) )( (of) 驚嘆すべきもの、奇跡 While archaeologists generally agree that workers at this pyramid ピラミッドまで used a ramp system (to move stone blocks up the pyramid, how exactly this system worked has been a long-standing mystery, one C which this discovery may help solve. 1-5 (1)~( 防 Co (4 )に下記より選び、その番号を記せ。 could (2) ramp flanked (4) led (6) haul es lattached 3 (3) 4(4) 5 6 次の文を挿入すると第何段落目の後に来るか。 "Thé ropes attached to the sled acted as a force multiplier, making it easier to pull the sled up the ramp", said Roland Enmarch, the other 増装置

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

3枚までしか載せれず、解説が後半からしか無く申し訳ないです汗 写真2枚目の最後のパラグラフの最後の英文 while〜に付いてです。 和訳では、今回の発見がその謎に答えを与えるのに役立つかもしれない。 とかいてありますが、ここの構文の構造がよくわかりません。 one whic... 続きを読む

傾斜路 1~15 次の英文を読み,設問に答えよ。 Archaeologists have long wondered exactly) Egypins) Constructed th how. the ancient a)(b)(c the world's biggest pyramid the Great Pyramid Now, they may have discovered the system used to )massive stone blocks into place Some 4,500 years ago. ・採石場 システムとして残ったもの遺構 Shank 運ぶ、引きずる They discovered the remains of this system at the site of Hatnub, an ancient quarry in the Eastern Desert of Egypt The contraption E would have been used to transport heavy alabaster stones up a steep Nam according to the archaeologists (working at the site, from the Institut français d'archéologie orientale (French Institute for Oriental Archaeology) in Cairo and from the University of Liverpool 東洋の 階段 in England // And it was (possibly) (how Egyptians built the Great Pyramid, in the name of the pharaoh Khufu. の名において AV BAR "This system is composed of a central ramp 法 ~の脇に立つ flank~側面に位置する by two staircases with numerous post holes," Yannis Gourdon co-director of 3. the joint mission at Hatnub old Live Science. Using a sled which carried a stone block and was attached with ropes to these wpoden posts, ancient Egyptians were able to pull up the alabaster blocks out. very steep slopes of 20 percent or more." of the quarry 合同の そり fout of ~から 引き上げた。運びたせた

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

写真1枚目の一番上のパラグラフの英文について。conclusion以下のトコなんですけど和訳には、 ギザの大ピラミッドを造ったクフ王の治世にまで遡れる(クフ王=builder) とかいてありますが、自分は、英文を見るとKhufu's reignの説明としてthe build... 続きを読む

3人の王の こめ to 62020 年度 英語 防衛医科大学校-医 道具の跡=工でついたキズ "This kind of system has never been discovered anywhere else |Gourdon said. "The study of the tool inarks and the presence of two G of Khufu's inscriptions (as to thé conclusion that this system in Giza," he added. SI dates back at least to Khufu's reign, the builder of the Great Pyramid クフ王建設者 碑文に書かれたもの (As) unler this system dates back at least to Khufu's reign, that means that during the fime of Khufu, ancient Egyptians knew how to move huge blocks of stone) using very steep slopes) Therefore they • very steep money have used it for the construction of his pyramid," Gourdon but said. 可能性 ココは 仮定の話よく見て~!! The Great Pyramid if the largest of the three Giza Pyramids) built for each of three pharaohsKhufu, Khafre and Menkaure / Khufu's is the largest pyramid ever constructed in Egypt, standing 481 feet (146 一存在 統治 技術 m)tall when it was first built / It (WS) Cordeled ba) wonder )the world by ancient writers) )( (of) 驚嘆すべきもの、奇跡 While archaeologists generally agree that workers at this pyramid ピラミッドまで used a ramp system (to move stone blocks up the pyramid, how exactly this system worked has been a long-standing mystery, one C which this discovery may help solve. 1-5 (1)~( 防 Co (4 )に下記より選び、その番号を記せ。 could (2) ramp flanked (4) led (6) haul es lattached 3 (3) 4(4) 5 6 次の文を挿入すると第何段落目の後に来るか。 "Thé ropes attached to the sled acted as a force multiplier, making it easier to pull the sled up the ramp", said Roland Enmarch, the other 増装置

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

問5で(3)の訳が問われているのですが なぜafter等もないのに4時間"後"と訳せるのですか?

試験本番でのこの本での 目標時間 目標時間 Lesson 4 103 次の英文を読んで、後の問1~5の設問に答えなさい(固有名詞はそのまま使用し てよい)。 5 15 分 分 22 分 ◆解答・解説本冊 p.6 Here's a possible strategy to boost" memory-exercise four hours after you learn something. In a study published in the July 11, 2016, Current Biology, researchers found that exercise after learning may improve your memory of the new information, but only if done in a specific time window *2. (In the study, 72 participants learned 90 picture-location associations mentally linking an image with new information in order to improve recall over a 40-minute period. They were then randomly assigned to one of (1) three groups: one group exercised immediately, the second exercised four hours later, and the third did not exercise. The exercise routine consisted of 35 minutes of interval 10/training on a fitness bike at an intensity of up to 80% of maximum heart rate. After 48 hours, the participants' memory was tested while their brains were scanned*4 via MRI*5. Those who exercised four hours after the learning session retained*6 information better than the other two groups. The MRI also showed the hippocampus, the brain region involved with learning and memory, - that (2) 15 was more active when information was recalled correctly. Newly learned information turns into long-term knowledge through a process that requires certain brain chemicals that are released during exercise, but more research is needed to understand (3) this phenomenon. (4) It is also not clear why four hours was more beneficial, or if another time frame might produce a similar 20 effect.

解決済み 回答数: 1