


英語 高校生


LESSON 4 不定詞 大) MCHECK 25 次の( )から適当なものを選びなさい。 APlease remember ( to lock/locking/lock) the door when you leave for sch00 My mother told us ( not/not to/to not ) touch her computer. 入試頻出問題の確認 le Of's careless ( of/for/ to) you to make such a mistake. OLet me (know/known/to know) if you need any help. GL found it easy ( learn/to learn/learned ) how to operate the machine. A She seems to ( be/is/have been ) a good tennis plaver when she was a hign school student. remember -目的語に不定詞をとる場合 → remember は目的語に不定詞が来る場合,「~すること を覚えている」の意味になる。動名詞が目的語に来る場合は「~したことを覚えている」という意味になる。 の<tell+0+to do) -「O に~するように言う」という意味. この形をとる動詞は他に ask, advise. allow. want などがある。また不定詞を否定する場合は, not to の語順になる。 9 (t is+形容詞+of 人+to 不定詞~)「(人)が~するとは…だ」という意味の構文、 形名容詞に careless「不注意な」,kind「親切な」, foolish「おろかな」など、人の性質を表すものがくる場合,意 味上の主語を〈of+人)で表す。f. <It is+形容詞+for 人+to不定詞~) 9 〈使役動詞+O+原形不定詞〉> -→ let は「 O に~させる」という〈許可)の意味を表す。使役動詞には他に make, have がある. ⑤ 形式目的語の it→ it は to~の内容を表す. find it to ~は「~するのは…だと思う[わかる]」 Tobro ni D cf. It is easy to learn ~ (Itは形式主語) C「地 Tの文 6 (to have+過去分詞》 to 以下の内容が,述語動詞(ここでは seems)よりも前の出来事を表す。「~ だったように見える」という意味 2 not to 3 of O know 6 to learn 6 have been 【答】 to lock 000円 Iugn eun bo slpt A次の各文の空所に入る最も適当なものを1つずつ選びなさい。 minobibooa ) his son to the zoo on Sunday. 1. The father promised ( 2 took to take dool (立正大改) ③ have taken D taking ) in the concert. 2. We all saw him( の to sing 文od e0x(東海大) 3 sings ② sing O was singing ) you to think again before you decide. 3 worship (駒滞大) の introduce 2 compare D advise

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英語 高校生

英文2段落目3文目のfor fairy talesのforは使ってという意味で使われているんでしょうか。、? また、第4段落5文目が上手く訳せません、、、 これは過去完了でしょうか??それとも、彼女は持っていた、1番初めのwrittenとdrawnをみたいにただの過去形で... 続きを読む

Your group is preparing a poster presentation entitled "The Woman Who 第5問(配点 15) c 15e uW y bos AS neighb A (20d dos Tot nongo in b s saoodt time a Wanti Created Peter Rabbit "using information from the magazine article below nob land her e Ved Pig ト popular character, Peter Rabbit. She brought her characters to life in b witty stories with finely detailed watercolors. a Br herit The daughter of wealthy parents, Helen Beatrix Potter was born on July 28, 1866 in South Kensington, London. She was educated at home and developed a love of literature and art. She used to practice her craft bv making illustrations for fairy tales like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. Also drawn to nature, she and her younger brother Walter kept many pets mice, rabbits, even bats and a hedgehog and she loved her family's long holidays in the Scottish countryside and the Lake District, a mountainous area in northwest England. in 19 The As a child and teenager, Potter made great sketches of her pets, as well as of trees and plants. She also kept a diary in which she recorded her Qpinions about cultural and political ideas and events. She wrote in a secret bs nsgst Peri 1866- Code that was not broken until fifteen years after her death. In the 1890s, Potter began selling her drawings.Potter's work was used for Christmas and New Year cards and an illustration of poetry. She was pleased by this success and decided to publish her own illustrated stories for children. In 1901, after the manuscript. was rejected by several publishers, she self-published her first book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, She had first written and drawn a version of the story in a letter to the. sick child of her former private teacher.、The child was so delighted with it that Potter felt other children would be, too. She was right. The story of naughty Peter, who always gets into trouble because he does not follow his sisters' example and obey his mother's rules, was very popular. 、In 1902, the publisher Frederick Warne & Company printed a commercial edition, and it went on to become one of the most famous children's books of all time 1 Over the next twenty years, Potter wrote and illustrated twenty-two more books with that publisher, her early_observations of the animals and plants of her childhood often making their way into the stories. Potter's The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, published in 1905, for example, includes - 22 -

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