


英語 高校生

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Ⅰ 次の英単語で最も強く発音する部分(第一アクセント)を、 それぞれ記号で答えなさい。 d 2. a-bil-i-ty 3. access 4. va-ri-e-ty 5. in-tro-duce del-i-cate アイウ アイウェ アイ アイウェ アイウ Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、 設問に答えなさい。 How many hours a day do you spend on your *cell phone? Today, more and more young people are spending more and more time on smartphones and computers. According () a 2013 *survey carried out by the *Japanese Cabinet Office, 97.2% of high school students owned a cell phone; of these, 82.8% had a smartphone. This is a *drastic increase from 2010, when only 3.9% of those with cell phones had smartphones. The survey also shows that the spread of smartphones has led to increased access to the Internet among children, whose average access time on a weekday is 107 minutes. The Cabinet Office also found that 40% of Japanese children *log on to the Internet more than two hours a day, and that 8% spend more than five hours a day online. This has led to some serious social and *psychological problems. Heavy Internet users become *obsessed with staying online and develop an *addiction to games, social media sites, and free communication systems such as LINE. The various *adverse effects of such addictions have been reported in most developed countries. Many young addicts suffer (2) headaches and sleep disturbances such as *insomnia. They fail to maintain normal weight *due to eating irregularities. And many are more likely to experience emotional distress, isolation, anxiety, and depression. A British study suggests a clear link between excessive Internet use (3) lower self-esteem. Those young people who spend more than A four hours a day looking at a screen are particularly *vulnerable to mental *disorders. -No H Several related studies conducted in China make clear the effects of Internet use on brain structure. One study has shown that *volume @losses were seen in the *gray matter areas of Internet addicts' brains. These areas are involved in people's ability to develop *empathy and compassion for others. Another Chinese study used MRI scans to look at the brains of Internet-addicted teenagers and found significant damage in the *white-matter nerve fibers connecting the brain areas governing emotions, decision-making, and self-control. Similar (4) can be seen in the brains of heavy alcohol and drug users. () cell phone: ## survey: drastic: 極端な log on: アクセスする obsessed with ~ : ~に夢中になる addiction due to~: ~のため volume: white matter: insomnia: TRE disorder: , empathy: # 1. ( ) ①~④に入れるのに最も適した語をそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その記号で答えなさい。 (with into A to = at) 2 ( from = above) □in Japanese Cabinet Office: A psychological: 心理的な . # adverse effects: vulnerable to~: ~になりやすい gray matter: K ハon

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

至急 解答をお願いしたいです!

CLASS NO. NAME EXERCISES 時制(現在形·現在進行形) [1|下の[ 「内から動詞を1回ずつ選び、適切な形にして、現在を表す英文を完成させなさい。 A (1) I don't( ) the name of that actor. (2) Both of these cars ( (3) This song book ( ) to Mr. Brown. )fty popular songs. ) his brother in appearance, but not in character. (4) Tom( [resemble / contain / belong /know] 2日本語に合うように、( (1) 私の父は鉄道会社で働いている。 )に適語を入れなさい。 B My father ( (2) ツバメは毎年,早春に日本へ飛来する。 ) for a railroad company. Swallows ( ) to Japan in early spring every year. (3) アンはときどき自転車で学校に行く。 ) to school( Ann ) bicycle. (4)太陽は東から昇って西に沈む。 The sun ( ) in the east and ( )in the west. (5)ふだん,何時に家を出ますか。 What time ( ) you( ) home? )内の語を並べかえ,全文を書きなさい。ただし,不要な語が AB 3|与えられた状況に合うように( 1つずつ含まれています。 (1)状況友人のおばは教師で,私のおばの仕事は…。 My(in /a/aunt / Nara / café / runs / work). (2) 状況 事故の原因を調べていますが…。 (knows / the / of / nobody / cause / don't)the accident. (3)状況 比較的安い値段のお米を食べてみました。その味は…。 are / rice / good /its / for / the / tastes) price. (4)状況スイスでは複数の言語が話されていると聞いたので, 先生にこうたずねました。 (do /what / spoken / they / languages / speak) in Switzerland? 4[ ]内の語を参考にして,~, …に自由に語句を入れ,オリジナルの英文をつくりなさい。B (1)私は~(場所)の出身だ。 [ come] (2) 私はよく,~(人)といっしょに…する。 [often ]

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


)内の語句を適切な形にしなさい. A 1. If the weather ( be ) nice tomorrow, we ( will go ) camping. 2. If the weather ( be ) nice, we ( will go ) camping. 2 )内の語句を適切な形にしなさい. 回 2 日本語に合うように, ( . IfI( be) the Prime Minister of Japan, I ( will ) not raise the consumption tax. もし私が日本の総理大臣なら,消費税を値上げしないのに、 っIFI(live) in Hawaii, I ( can swim ) in the beautiful sea every day. もしハワイに住んでいたら, 毎日きれいな海で泳げるのに. 3 IfI(have ) a time machine, I ( can go ) to see myself in the future. もしタイムマシンがあれば, 未来の自分に会いに行けるのに、 3 日本語に合うように,( 1. If we ( take ) a taxi, we ( will arrive ) at the soccer stadium in time. もしタクシーに乗っていたら, サッカー場に着くのが間に合っていたでしょう。 )内の語句を適切な形にしなさい. @ 2. IfI(lock ) my bicycle this morning, it ( will not be ) stolen. 今朝自転車にかぎをかけていたら, 自転車は盗まれなかったでしょう。 3. IfI(do not go ) out in the rain yesterday, I(will not catch ) a cold. もし昨日雨の中を外出しなかったら, かぜをひかなかったでしょう。 4 日本語に合うように英文を完成し, 声に出して読みなさい. © Grammar in Context ) my leg, I ( もし足にけがをして (injure) いなかったら, その病院には行かなかったでしょう。 ) that nurse, I( C1. IfI( ) not ( ) not ( )gone to the hospital. ) not ( ) though 2. If I ( ) not ( of becoming a nurse myself. もしあの看護師さんに会っていなかったら, 看護師になろうと思わなかったでしょう。 )( ) her a thank-you letter. ) her address, I ( もし彼女の住所を知っていれば、 お礼の手紙を書くのですが 3. If1(

未解決 回答数: 1