


英語 高校生

どう区別したらいいかわからないので教えて頂きたいです。。 問題の選択肢は模範解答で確認したのであっています。。

5 Circle the correct contrasting transition words and phrases. Use the examples in the box above to help you. 1 Even though / However I love animals, I don't think people should keep them in their homes. 2 Some people think the reason I became a vegetarian is because I love animals. Even though / On the contrary I am a vegetarian for health reasons and not because I care about animal rights. 3 Many people are against animal testing. Even though / Yet without such tests, we would not have developed new medicines. 4 Even though / Yet people claim that animal rights aren't protected, there are many organizations which focus on this issue. 5 Many people eat meat. Yet On the contrary, humans don't need animal protein to stay healthy. even though: かし~ にも関 わらず 意味 「しかし」 「~にも関わらず」 : 強めの表現 で反対・ 対照的な文を述べる際によく使用さ れる <例文> . Even though we made a promiss that we gather in the park at 9am, he didn't come there on time. 私たちは午前9時に公園で集合するという約束を していたにも関わらず、 彼は時間通りにそこに来 なかった。 (※make a promiss : 約束する、 gather : 集ま る on time 時間通りに) POINT今回紹介する 「しかし」 という意味を持つ 英単語の中で、 強めの表現として使用されます。 品詞は接続詞になります。 even though の後ろには文章が必要になるため、 文末に置くことはできず、 文頭 文中で使用され ます。 however : しかしながら、 とはい え 意味 「しかしながら」 「とはいえ」 : かたい表現 として、 butの代わり使用されることが多い <例文> • He really grew up. however, I'm worried about him. 彼はとても成長しました。 とはいえ、私は彼のこ とが心配です。 (※really : とても、 grow up : 成長する、 worry : 心配させる) POINTbut よりも硬い表現として使用される英単 語です。 また、 butよりも 「しかし」 という意味が弱まっ た表現になります。 接続詞と副詞のどちらの品詞にもなります。 その ため、文頭文中・文末のどこに置いても使用す ることが可能です。

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

至急❗️答えが合っているか見ていただきたいです🙇 よろしくお願いします

5) (6) (7 (8 (9 50 LESSON 13 Choose (bammolni Encame\\ probare veng hyppor\2262720109 bas Juode) zaronial 1 Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. (1) (1) There was ( ) audience at the movie theater. Da large 3 many 2 large (4) As I had a bad cold, I was made ( 1 take (2) Always keep a bucket of water handy, ( 1 unless in case of (3) My teacher recommended several books to the class, ( 1 that A 2 which (5) Someone hit me on 1 a (7) I am sure ( 1 not his (8) The girl ( 1 who helle ) fire. 3 to prepare (10) To begin ( 1 at (12) 157 (nodw\ jol 3 one of that 2 to take to take the time. 861 (6) The picture is said (dule) just before he died. 3 be taken having been drawn check my smart2 to be drawn 3 to have been drawn 4 to have drawn (11) This restaurant is ( (1) more (千葉工業大) (四天王寺国際仏教大) 4 his t me on (r) head. an\ayab\board blood) best Foob slijpst 2 an 3 the ) coming to the party. 2 his not 共立女子 ibidezog\mobsent\mont Vi word ) the bitter medicine against my will. 4 taking (9) It is only 6 o'clock in the morning. She ( 1 may still asleep 3 may be sleeping 3 of his not 4 much bit of 4 ready on ) has become a one of which ), you must buy an admission ticket. 2 on with KURSE 4 of not his blan) at this time. 2 might have been sleeping 4 might still asleep ) sweet voice John loves is a good singer. aviah Lotus A 2 what 3 which whose bestseller. 4 from ) nicer than the one I visited last week. 2 too 3 as 4 far (関西学院大) AS (13) Some of the milk turned sour before it reached the market and ( 1 must throw 2 have to be thrown 3 had to throw had to be thrown (近畿大) THIOS (ALLE) (大阪経済大) ) that such a thing would happen to all of the guests staying at the hotel. Little did I dream 2 Little dream did I 3 Little I did dream 4 Little dream I did away. (神奈川大) (奈良) 2 (東邦) (清泉女子大 (1) (芝浦工業大) (2) (3 (²

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