


英語 高校生


Akemi Hamano, a recruiting consultant at *Hays, says that, with the exception of blue-collar positions, companies are looking for a business level of Japanese ability sufficient for frequent back-and-forth communication and being able to make ( 1 ) together. David Price, client services director at *Robert Half, is more *succinct. "In most cases it's pretty simple - if your co-workers and/or clients can't or won't speak your language, then you must speak (and often read and type) ( 2 )," Price says. At the same time, whereas ( 3 ) for conversational level abilities are high, Alan Adkins, president of *The Refined Group, notes that there is more flexibility when it comes to reading and writing, due to an awareness that learning kanji is hard. The value placed on Japanese ability may not be only related to ease of ( 4 ) top communication. "Many companies also look at business level Japanese ability as a sign of ( 5 ) to Japan as well as solid work ethic as most Japanese people seem to understand how difficult their native language is,” says Anthony Blick, a senior consultant at *PowerUp Solutions. 注) Hays 会社の名前 Robert Half:会社の名前 succinct : 簡潔な The Refined Group : 企業グループの名前 PowerUp Solutions: 会社の名前 ( 1 ) 7. decisions X (2) 7. mine (3) 7. exceptions Y (4) 7. academic X (5) 7. command 7. illustrations 1. yours 1. expectations 1. business 1. commitment . quarrels 7. ours goog . experiences . daily . compassion pre prior 200 I. subscriptions I. theirs I. experiments I. professional I. competition

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英語 高校生

mainstreamⅢ chapter18 章末問題 解答教えてください!

6 Chapter 18 Comprehension a. On the basis of Gurdon's research, Yamanaka revealed that specialized cells from a mature Choose the appropriate answer. body can be transformed into iPS cells. frog. b. Gurdon placed cells from the skin of mice into an unfertilized egg cell of a c. Yamanaka took cells from the blood of mice and transformed them into a baby. d. The only difference between Gurdon's and Yamanaka's experiments was what cells they used. e. Organ rejection will no longer be a problem because it has become possible to develop organs from the patients' own cells. f. iPS cells will soon make it possible to cure all types of diseases. g. Yamanaka admits that iPS technology has done harm in some cases. h. Even as a scientist Professor Yamanaka believed that his mother saw his father's ghost. i. Professor Yamanaka has never thought of giving up research. found iPS ce j. What Professor Yamanaka wanted to say in the speech was what seems unfortunate at first may turn out to be fortunate in the end. not e mes B Choose the most appropriate main theme. a. John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize because they helped each other for 40 years to create iPS cells. Chapter 18 | Minis SO 15 b. We should be careful about new technology because it takes time to put it into use and it can do harm. 24 c. Professor Yamanaka has experienced challenges in his life but they were also opportunities, one of which led to the Nobel Prize.

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英語 高校生

長文どなたか教えてほしいです。 不安なんで…

ロ には 唱】 火のスピーチ放入を読んで、下紀の癌に和えなさい。 なおの人た家 本文の後に注があります。 As an old science reporter Tnd myselfin a diHfenlt position todai 0 Tighrtech executives on the topic of artifcial inteligence or AI Fnn surecoll 際。 far more about AI than 1 do. Stil. 1 think I can contribute some historical perspectHVe. Thave been writing science columns since many cf you were kids ( Z ) Hmrote my frst column on AT back in 1963。 Tm( イ ) because when T say *artifcial intelhgence"Tm talking about something that Tm not sure really exists. Those of you who have read my articlealand books on the subject know that Tbehieve in what we call imealk AT' and that 1 aminotieal onvineed by what we call srongALy oto Whats the difference? Lets say we program a computer to say Rhank youl in situations where real people would feel grateful. 1 think we could make eally sound like a thankful person。 Tm sure that such a machine and tuned so well that it could fool me were blindfolded But here's the question: Did the program actually feel thankf me? Or did the team who wrote the program thank me? Was According to the strong AL approach, the computer really couldibe ex According to weak AI, iCs just a machine making sounds。 Tim reminded of an old classic comedyy routine imagined a future world in which computers made 。 people really worried about that in the 1960s. In this ima handled every decision that humans didmt like making. One fmring other computers. So the comedy routine consists of a conm ose computer ecplaine to worker computer why itmust be fred The reason this comedy routine is interesting js not just bec because it expresses fears about strong AI。 ICs int 50 years ago- That's right。 a halfrcentury ago。 people uman decisions.They thoughtit might happ8mi the future.( ウ ).the predicted robotdominant、 Im my opinion, no matter how impressed none of us realiy believes that truly selfraware di exist. Tknow youre ll experts on AI but ileEs rogram, no matter how sophisticeted,( 王 ) marmyi jn or reject God. or say “Tlove you and mean it W cperatipg the machine-or who wrote the Dio As a real. thinking person who has obaerved tk research for many yearsu Tbelieve there will alaya bela efieve that no matter how sophisticated ATbeoon as a thinking person。T also know that 1 can be wi the future of science. Perhaps momeday those of yo

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