


英語 高校生

問題の答えを教えてください🙇‍♀️ お願いします。

1 Fill in the blanks. 1) Mr. Suzuki( 2) I ( 3) ( ) in the teachers' room because he is in the classroom. ) sick in bed, so I ( )go to school yesterday. )Yui have a part-time job on Fridays? - Yes, she ( ) she? 1,2) 2) テストのことで緊張しないで 3) 明日一緒にテニスをしましょう。gn 4) ルーカスはなんて速く走るのでしょう。 Oh 5)なんておいしいドーナツなんでしょう。 4) Your sister plays badminton, ( 5) ( ki) is your birthday? ② Fill in the blanks. - My birthday is September 1. 1) テレビゲームをする前に宿題を終わらせなさい。 一わかったよ, お母さん。 )your homework before you play that video game. ) ) ( OK, mom. (3.4) ) nervous about the exam. ) tennis together tomorrow. ) Lucas runs! ) delicious doughnut! ( ③ Fill in the blanks. 1) ( T2) ( ( know Aoi's address? you buy it? No, I ( .(知っていますか) ― 3) Haruto doesn't live in Kyoto, ( ) ( 4) ( ( ) to karaoke after school? Jim and Riku( I bought it online. (どこで) online 「ネットで」 ). (だれが行ったの / ジムとリクだよ) ? (住んでいないよね) 5) ( ) you like coffee? - ). ), I ( (好きじゃないの? / いや, 好きだよ) 6) ( )play volleyball in the gym. - OK (バレーボールをしよう) arbest 6 med YM Put the Japanese sentences into English. 1) アヤとサキは大阪出身ですか。 2) 先生が話をしているときには静かにしなさい。 intences into English 3) これはあなたの自転車ですか, それともケンタの自転車ですか。 from Osaka? V yebot isang when the teacher is talking. で Is thisパンのとてもいい whas bed of op III yqesia m 4) だれが教室のかぎをかけましたか。 (lock) mus 5) おなかがすいていないの? - うん、すいていないんだ。 * Give It a Try (S-) 685- ? heang bomut and trigil orTy A what would you say? om airT 1) Your friend is making a loud noise. You are angry about it. Don't ini lita nego bayate are ent 2) You want to play basketball with your friend after school. elde ne pnitearn art prisub inelia genrol after school. B Ask your old friend from junior high school about his/her high school life. 1) 通学手段: get to school? 2) クラスの人数: in your class?

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英語 高校生

全問答え教えて欲しいです😭😭こたえないです 関係詞の問題です

2 3 Fill in the blanks. Use which / when / where / why/how. 1 これは両親が新婚旅行で泊まったホテルだ。 This is the hotel ( where (2) うるう年は2月が29日ある年だ。 A leap year is a year ( when (3) うるう年は4年に1度しかやってこない年だ。 A leap year is a year ( 4) グレッグがテニス部をやめた理由は明らかではない。 The reason ( why ) Greg quit the tennis team is not clear. 5) 私はよく英語の歌を聴く。 そうやって、 私は英語を勉強している。 I often listen to English songs. That's ( ) my parents stayed on their honeymoon. ) February has 29 days. ) only comes around once every four years. 2 Complete each sentence. Use when / where / why. 1) Last Saturday was 2) Jill lied* to me. That's 3) How far is the hotel from 4) I was in Rome until last Sunday, ) I study English. I moved into a new apartment. I'm angry at her. we are now? Give It a Try Write about yourself. 1) I remember the day 2) I want to know the reason I left for Paris. )( ) ( 3) 私の父が勤めている銀行は私の学校の近くにある。 Put the Japanese sentences into English. 1) 私は教科書を何度も読んだ。 このようにして, その試験に合格した。 I read the textbook many times. ( ) ( 2) 私が卵を食べない理由はアレルギーがあるからだ。 3 Put the words in the correct order. Use when / where / why / how. Could you wait until next week, (so busy, won't, I, be)? → when I won't be so busy 1) (we/ the beach/played) was very beautiful. 2) Last night I had a bad dream. (I, that's, didn't, sleep) well. Last night I had a bad dream. 3) I still remember July of 2014, (I, a week, spent) in Okinawa on my school trip. I still remember July of 2014, in Okinawa on my school trip. 4) We met at the summer camp three years ago. (became, we, friends, that's). We met at the summer camp three years ago. )( )( (4) 私は,兄が暮らしているロンドンに行きたいと思っている。 I want to go to London, ( )( (▶4-1) ) my father ( (▶4-2,3) ) ( lie 「うそをつく」 was very beautiful. )( ) I passed the exam. (「~にアレルギーがある」 allergic to ~) ) I don't eat eggs is that I'm allergic to them. )( well. ) is near my school.

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英語 高校生


III. Aaron と Mayuka との間に, 自然な会話が成立するように,空欄 ( 31 ) から ( 40 ) に入る最も適切な表現を, a.〜d. の中から1つ選びなさい。 解答は解答用紙1枚目 (マークシート方式) の所定の解答欄にマークしなさい。 Aaron: So, Mayuka, after you graduate, ( 31 ) Mayuka: Well, I'm thinking of taking some time off and traveling for a while. Do you know about working holidays? Aaron: I've heard of them, but I don't know very much about them. Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: (31) (32) (33) (34) Well, in certain countries you can work while you travel. (32) it's easy to extend your trip. (33) But actually, I think I want to start work right away. Oh really? What kind of company would you like to work for? (34) A big company would be great for long-term stability. But it might be a little bit boring. That's true. How about ( 35 ) I think I'd really love that. It seems really exciting and I think it would involve innovative thinking. But I'm a bit worried the pay might be lower than I want, and of course it's always possible that the company ( 36 ) Yeah I guess it's tough making decisions about where to work. If you could work anywhere, what would your dream job be? I'd like to work somewhere where ( 37 ) Maybe a green business of some sort? What would your dream job be? I'd like to start my own business and help to revitalize the economy in my hometown! It's in the countryside, here in Japan. Oh! What kind of business ( 38 ) I'm not exactly sure, but I'd like to use the experience I get on my working holiday to try to figure out what kind of business would be best. I'd like to start a business that combines (39) with international marketing opportunities. Wow! (40) a. do you have anything to do? b. what do you have to do? c. what do you want to do? d. do you want something to do? a. Since you can earn money while you're abroad b. You should add more days to your trip so c. Since it's interesting to work abroad d. Because you have never been abroad a. Keep telling me! b. It doesn't make sense. c. What a shock! d. That sounds great! a. It's already been decided! b. It's hard to decide. c. What have you decided? d. That's not a difficult decision.

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英語 高校生


英語 6 次のグラフ及び英文を読み、1から3の質問の答えとして最も適当なものを,それぞれ①~④ 23 のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。 解答番号は Not very familiar 18% Somewhat familiar 25% Not familiar 7% 21 Survey on Esports - 7 - Very familiar 50% Kazuhiro's dream is to be a professional esports player in the future. Esports stands for electronic sports. It is a form of video game competition. Sometimes tournaments for money are held and many people watch them online. Kazuhiro's friends introduced him to esports a few years ago, and he quickly became one of the best players among his friends. He has also participated in many local esports tournaments with them, and their team always won first or second place. Because of this experience, he started thinking of becoming a professional esports player. In one of his classes, Kazuhiro had to make a newsletter for his assignment. He decided to do a survey on esports. He found that some of his classmates were not familiar with esports. So, he thought he would try promoting it in his high school. He held an esports event for his classmates at school. He was not sure whether anyone would come to this event, but to his surprise, many students attended and enjoyed his workshop. He showed them some of the most famous video games in esports. He also gave them some advice on how to win. Finally, he did a live esports demonstration and played against a friend in another country. After this, a lot of his classmates asked Kazuhiro about esports. He felt pleased and satisfied with what he did. Now, he not only wants to be a professional esports player, but also be a person who can promote it. Through esports, he has been able to make friends all over the world, and he wants to spread the joy to other people. 2023KN1A-14-008 1 According to the pie chart, which of the following is true? 0 Less than 50% of the students are familiar with esports. 2 More than 90% of the students are not familiar with esports. 3 Twenty-five percent of the students are not familiar at all with esports. 4 Seventy-five percent of the students are familiar with esports. 2 According to the passage, which of the following is true about Kazuhiro? He wants to be a professional esports player. He wants to create a new video game in esports. He has a negative image of esports. 4 He has already won a lot of money from playing esports. 2 3 3 According to the passage, which of the following is true about Kazuhiro? He got confused when his friends asked him questions about esports. 2 He held an event to teach his classmates about esports at his school. 3 He was disappointed because not many people came to his workshop. 4 He learned about a professional esports player from his classmates. - 8 21 英語 22 23 2023KN1A-14-00

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英語 高校生


6 グラフと英文について問いに答えなさい。もの K There has been growth in the sales of computer and video game units in the United States for the past 12 years. Perhaps the largest growth was between [ ] and [ ], when the sales of computer and video game units increased about 42 percent. After 1998, there has been a steady increase in the sales except in ts sold than in []. In 2006, the US computer were fewer units [], when there were to and video game software sales grew six percent. none od oals U.S. Computer and Video Game DOLLAR Sales Growth orond noologa ORA 8.0 7.0 vien.n 7.0 -7.4 7.1 7.0 s or saoby 6.0 5.0 14.0 13.0 2.6-- 2.0 1.0 速読問題 43NTO 3.7. mouter and vi 4.8 computer STR. STEST 5.5-5.6... 6.1 【目標時間 5分 】 Talouno A-43 (関東学院大) (各4点) SMOO simsbine 320.0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 0.0 .noitonitys asgougnal ) Jonitzs „299sugnal artito e Year oqe sdb 10 Ilse Tho bollbl ti jeste sdo tir 1. 本文の空所に入る年の最も適切な順番を示した組み合わせを1つ選びなさい。 idal ① 1996-1997-2004-2005 regorin 2 1996 - 1997 - 2005 - 2004 3 1997 - 1998 - 2004 - 2005 to nl241997 - 1998 - 2005 - 2004 gablesqa gnirlismoe orbi xim yam yod 10 mi 10 ogsugnal assinoloo 2. 本文の内容に一致するように、次の質問に対する最も適切な答えを1つ選びなさい。 no senso que parve pegeuren enorget to sum gels Sie wer From this article, how high would the bar for 2006 for the total number of W morb 100 98 10qa amepad slenIA video games be? Approximately the same height as 2005. 2 Shorter than 2005. 3 Taller than 2005. 033ghel to vio 4 tell. It is impossible to go this fod Bhixe ed or go sew tadi sesugn tell. a los ama zagsugnal sviten od on T srit ni nosloga asw dojdw.raimoƆ bollas syaugmel och tarb bisa quong 002 【2 スニング なさい。英文は2度読まれます。 Fived

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