


英語 高校生


36点 GRAMMAR READING 27点 WRITING 。 pのついている問題は右の問題を解いてから取り組もう。 問い 油合 T学 VARIOUS QUESTIONS 15点 nit / CKTIDK S LISTENING 12点 / 100g (4点) の 自声 回 ことの READING て役部(2)を,do that の内容を明らかにして日本語にしなさい。O wd your 136点 (5点) a) used to do の重味 は? 日 空欄A~Cに, 下の各文のうち適切なものを入れなさい。 の You may be tired of listening to the new language. familiar things in your life will be different. Most people experience culture shool (4点×3-12点) (b) small change の 2 Culture shock has four stages. The first stage is called the “honevnmo Your host family or friends take 重味は? Everything around you is new and exciting. you to interesting places. Life is full of fun and excitement. 3 Then the honeymoon stage ends, and your life starts to change. People arousa A の Everyone is kind to you. O Your language skills get better. 5 各段階の特徴から 判断しよう。 A( you will stop treating you like a special guest. This is the start of the second stome 1 this stage, the new culture won't be as exciting as before. think that everyone is making life difficult for you. You may also think that people in that country think only about themselves. This is the most difficult time. B You may begin to | 本文の内容に合うものを3つ選びなさい。 (5点×3=15点) 0 The first stage of culture shock is called the “honeymoon" stage because everything you see is familiar. 相拠となる部分を 握そう。 ロの解答の根拠と なる部分に下線を 引きなさい。 10 mo i 44 After this stage, you begin to learn more and more about the new culture, This is the C TO In the second stage of culture shock, you feel people around you are cold to you. O In the third stage of culture shock, you feel like life is getting easier for you. O In the final stage of culture shock, you think the new culture is better than your own. Things around you become more familiar and easier. You begin to say hello to the people on the bus on your way to school. You learn about the best stores. You stop giving bills every time you buy something, You used to beginning of the third stage. ddol 15 this stage, you start to feel like you are getting used to life there. You may still have bad days, but life will seem to be getting better. do that and your wallet was full of small change, but now you can count and use coins. In tion O During the four stages of culture shock, you always feel comfortable in the new culture. W 50) do) 5 In the final stage, you feel like you are a member of that society. This does not m( you have forgotten your own country. It means that vou feel comfortable in the io culture. You can now see both the good things and the bad things about it. 6It is helpful for you to understand a new culture, though culture shock is hard. 20 o of (374 words hoga st o l WO yud asm CHECK! ※段落ごとに内容をつかむ oid D step はえておこう。 Dexcitement 口 familiar Dcomfortable 口experience 口 stage 口treat 口 say hello to 口get used to . enjoyable. You will also think your own culture. shock is very . 第2~5の左の余白に, のを語を下から選び, 書きなさい。 6 After you shock, your life in more ロ 下線部(1)とは何がなることか。で説明しなさい。 but about ideas and will mind. Denjoyable の familiar ロ custom O difficult 2wonderful 3 comfortable ロ broaden

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