


英語 高校生


□ 21. 明日の会議に来ることはできますか。 [語順整序] Is (you/for/possible / come / it / to) to the meeting tomorrow? it possible for you to come 22. Anne Sullivan taught Helen Keller, who was ( because of an illness. Dcapable ②impossible ③overcame ( 広島経済大) ) to see, hear, or speak ( 大東文化大 ) ④unable 23. We are (take / supposed/off/to) our shoes here. supposed to take of 24. I'm ( ) up with their complaints. off (跡見学園女子大) ( 福山平成大) ③fed closed Daught 2 gone ☐ 25. I am ( Ito will ) to assist you with your payments. ②will ③would (中央大) ②willing to rain. (国士舘大) likely 26. Today's outdoor concert may be postponed because it is ( Olikable like ③likes 27. (with/familiar / you / the novels / are) written by Soseki Natsume? (AĦĦA) Are you familiar the novels with 28. 父はよく、 人と違うことを恐れるなと言ってい (甲南女子大) My father often told me, "( afraid / be / being / different / don't / of)." don't be afraid of being different 29. They weren't ( ) of the dangers of mountain climbing. ①aware ②familiar ③known (東北学院大 ④understand □ 30. 彼は, ヴァイオリンを弾くのが上手だ。 適語補充 He is (good)( at ) playing the violin. ■ 31. 彼は寝坊したので授業に遅れた。 He (for overslept / late / because / was/class/he). was late for class because he overslept 32. The girl understood she was ( ) for what she did. Dresponsible unreasonable ②visible ①sensible ( 兵庫県立大 (尾道市立 (九州ルーテル学院

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