


英語 高校生


-EXERCISES A Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. (1) I liked life in Osaka best (I / lived / had / there / for / though) only two years. (2) ( even / you / join / if / the volunteer / do not) club, you can still help in the community. 4372 harde o taborn you de 300 bri (3) (what / matter / we / reason / have / no), we must not start a war. (4) Peter will not take any time off ( of / spite / order / in / his doctor's ). (5) ( of / freedom / is / speech / though / even) the basis of democracy, few people understand what it means. (6)( not / whether / or / computers / like / we ), we cannot imagine life without them. une lis 10 1390.in B Fill in the blanks to complete the dialogs. (1) Satoshi: You've lived in Japan for three years. Have you ever been to Kyoto? Olivia: Yes, of course. I always find something new N 京都でどこを訪れても (2) George: Takeshi seems to have overslept and missed the nine o'clock train! Mika: Oh, no! He won't be on time for the ceremony たとえ飛行機で来ても (3) Kate: Is that man your tennis coach? Fred: Yes. He will be seventy next month, but he is still active He jogs five kilometers every morning. Let's Try ! ALLA sd Illw #2910x3 C Express the following in English. (1)たとえ政治に興味がなくても、選挙権をもつ人は投票しなければならない. (2) 結婚で仕事を辞める女性もいるが,最近ではより多くの女性が定年まで仕事を続ける . _________: 彼の年齢にもかかわらず InT [retirement age ] (3)優先座席であろうとなかろうと,いつも自分の席をお年寄りに譲っている.〔priority seat〕 (4)ユニバーサルデザインの普及にもかかわらず,障がいのある人々が街を動き回るのはいまだに 困難だ.〔universal design, disabled people〕 (5)日本は高齢化が急速に進んでいるにもかかわらず,老人ホームの数が十分ではない。 [nursing home]

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英語 高校生

DUALSCOPE English grammar in 36stagesのlesson36[p73]の答えが2月4日に配信され、その日中に答え合わせをして提出しなくてはならないのですが、あいにくその日は予定があって答え合わせができないため、事前に答え合わせをしたいです。 ... 続きを読む

Lesson 33 MfTom said to me I left Tom (told mo thot(みる)(hょd?16で()cap on the bos the oby (besbré) Hay whcle Said to me l will give youthis woth y uncle (tod) me thot Che )(md)ve (me)(thas) match (3)Mti Shid to me, Is your sister home now( (mti Asked me (H) Cyo) ais ter home (then) (3)M, brother 90id to me, Who Tolol my brother (asked) me lwho) (you) thasl) (told)(you) The nens. のI said to Susan, How long have pou liypl hete 7 1 (asked Sussn (How)(lon3()() lived (there). () 1Jim Saiod て0 me, Con you Sehd these pictures To 1me Jim (asked) me (if)(yau)(coul) sengl_(these) pictures to(him). mySP on the bus yesterdlay his the news? you /she |2 SThe dortor Said to me, 1The doctor (tolW) me(tカ2come again (the) next week. (2} My mother SAil to me. Wash you hons befbre mesls y mather (tolol) me(t0)nash (my ) hends befre mea/3. Come again nexナ heek. ( y best friend s0id ~o me, Plese keep it SECket best thiend (asked) me (to)feep iて Secret. fothe 20id to me. Dont touch this bon ai 1 9ond father (tol/) me (not)(7o) toch (thet) bonsai.. 「)The norse 9aicd to the mon, Please dbn't use the smattphone here. Lhe nurse Sssted) the man (not)(to) (use)(the)(smattphohe)[there). 9one Ken told me thot he had tent to the museum tんo weeks befre.. 2Helen astedbne how ym wAs guing to 3peno/ Sammer VocaTioh ? 1 Asted the librorion if I might 60ttow five books Atatilme 1oby 's mothet told him to come back by dhnner time (My tencher told me not to 3tay up late t night 学作 M Sam Said to me,I have et been to Kamkora tuwite. 9am told me thet he had eet bech_to Kamakuta Thice. a 9aid to me. where Mid you go in ftenooh pesterdey 2/Yaki get ne nhare I hal beeninsetah the My be hee. LSsaid toMte," Haye you ever sen the Suad?11 0skey dike it he have ever seeh the Supme? OThe vopon Soid tohim; Plese wait here fotawhile: /Themaman stkal hin to keit thete for abhile.

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英語 高校生


1S+V+O+O, S+V+O+Cの受動態 119 1. Santa Claus gives children wonderful presents. 0 → a. Children are given wonderful presents by Santa Claus. b. Wonderful presents are given to children by Santa Claus. 2. My classmates call the dog Ichiro. 120 0 C The dog is called Ichiro by my classmates. 1.0(人), 0(物)のそれぞれを話題の中心(=主語)にした表現が考えられる。 give 型:give, lend, send, show, tell, etc. O(人)を主語にした場合(→a) 0(物)を主語にした場合(→b): 普通はO(人)の前に to をつける。 buy 型:buy, make, cook, choose, get, etc. O(人)は主語にはしない。 25g GUCG gnuuk is uid T0ob sd O(物)を主語にし,必ずO(人)の前にfor をつける。 His grandmother made John this cake. 0T airdt nssla 0 * This cake was made for John by his grandmother. 2.0を主語にし, Cは〈be動詞+過去分詞〉の後にそのまま残す。 OLSUBca m 2 注意すべき受動態の表現 Saoforig 3. They say that she is the most popular singer in the U.S. 121 → a. It is said that she is the most popular singer in the U.S. b. She is said to be the most popular singer in the U.S. 4.I was spoken to by the girl yesterday. 5. The soccer player is known to many people in the world. 123 122 3. They say that (…と言われている, …だそうだ)の表現。 目的語(that 節)を主語にした場合(→a) that 節の主語を文全体の主語にした場合(→b) 4.群動詞を含む表現: 群動詞全体を1語の他動詞とみなす。 len3 ni gniwolo 1 The girl spoke to me yesterday. 5. by以外の前置詞を使った表現:be caught in ~, be covered with [in] ~、 be filled with ~, be made from [of] ~, etc. 3 日本語では能動態で表すが英語では受動態を使う表現 6. We were surprised at the newsflash. 124 その 7. Ten people were injured in the accident. 125 be 6.感情や心理状態を表す表現: be disappointed with [at/by] ~, be shocked by [at] ~, be excited about [at] ~, be interested in ~, be pleased ye be d be r be worried about ~, etc. with ~, be satisfied with ~, 7.被害を表す表現: be delayed, be hurt, be killed, be wounded, etc. ovel be b 9

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