


英語 高校生


UNIT 7 Reading Reading 33点 10点 Grammar /32点 /15 Information Listening Writing /10 TOTAL 100点 全文 音声 なまけ者のトムが望んだ仕事とは何でしょう。 Tom was a very lazy man*. He didn't like hard work. But he needed a job. One day, (his/Tom / a job / asked / uncle / him / find / to ). "What kind of job?" asked the uncle. Tom answered, "I don't want to work. I want meat for lunch every day. I just want to walk around and take naps*. And I want 100 dollars a day." "( )" the uncle sighed*. 2 One day, Tom got a call from his uncle. "Tom, I found the perfect job for you. A tiger at the zoo died recently. They need a new tiger. You can be the tiger. You'll wear a tiger's skin and walk around, eat meat, and sleep in the cage* like a real tiger." "( 3 )" said Tom. "I'll start tomorrow!" 5 3 The next day, Tom was in the cage in tiger's fur. He just walked around, ate meat, 10 and took a nap. Tom was happy. 44 Suddenly, he heard an announcement*. "We'll soon have a special show. It's a fight between a lion and a tiger! Enjoy this exciting show." "( )" He looked around his cage. Then another cage was carried next to his. A fierce-looking* lion was in it. "I'll be killed!" he cried. The doors of both cages were opened. Tom jumped back. "( 6 )" 15 The big lion slowly walked toward him, roared*, and opened its mouth. "Stop! I'm not a tiger! I'm a man!" 5 "Shhh!" Tom heard a small voice from the lion. "( Ⓒ )” (252 words)

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数学 高校生


〔3〕 スキー競技の「モーグル」 は, こぶのある斜面をスタート地点からゴール地点 まで滑り降りかかった時間によるタイム点, ジャンプ演技によるエア点。ターン の技術によるターン点の合計を競う競技である。 下の表は, 2017年に札幌で行われたある大会の上位16人の得点を表している。 タイム点Xは20点満点, エア点Yも20点満点, ターン点Zは60点満点で, 合 計得点 W は 100点満点である。 エア点とターン点は審判の採点によって決まり, タイム点は斜面を滑り降りるのにかかった時間T (秒) によって決まる。 順位 時間(秒) タイムX (点) エアY(点) ターン Z(点) 合計 W (点) 1 16.86 15.26 53.10 85.22 2 16.25 12.85 53.70 3 15.72 14.40 51.60 4 16.86 13.30 (51.20 5 16.04 15.41 49.70 6 15.69 13.47 50.00 7 15.49 13.60 50.00 8 16.14 10.79 (51.20 9 14.44 14.92 48.50 10 16.53 12.48 47.80 11 14.71 12.81 49.10 12 13.60 10.30 42.60 12.37 6.27 43.60 9.35 8.12 41.00 9.80 7.47 39.60 5.93 7.18 42.80 13 14 15 16 22.20 22.63 23.01 22.20 22.78 23.03 23.17 22.71 23.92 22.43 23.73 24.52 25.40 27.55 27.23 29.99 82.80 81.72 81.36 81.15 79.16 79.09 78.13 77.86 76.81 76.62 66.50 62.24 58.47 56.87 55.91 (数学Ⅰ・数学A 第2問は次ページに続く。)

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