


英語 高校生

Vision Quest English Expression Ⅱ Aceのworkbook p8になります。学校から答えが配布されていないため、答え合わせできず困っています。 わかるところだけでもいいので、教えてくださると嬉しいです。

110229J 8 Lesson 2 文型と動詞1 1 各文の下線部の動詞が自動詞か他動詞かを答えなさい。 1) (a) Let's play baseball tomorrow. (b) A lot of children play in the park. 2) (a) We moved the sofa to the next room. (b) This old car doesn't move. 3) (a) Ken always studies hard. (b) I studied math in the morning. 4) (a) They sell vegetables in this shop. (b) This CD sold well. 5) (a) The soccer game will start at seven. (b) He starts his work at eight every day. 2) Jack stayed in Hawaii with his family. 3) The dog kept quiet in the cafe. 4) My brother became an English teacher. 5) There was a cat on the chair. 6) Her cake tastes good. 1) Her grandmother died in 2021. 2 次の英語を日本語に直し, 下線部の語句が補語ならばC, 修飾語(句) ならばMを[]内に書 きなさい。 A 1) My father works hard. 2) There were many people in the hall. B 3) They were good students. Ultimate 2nd 4) She will become a famous artist. pp.38-46 3rd Edition 動詞] 動詞] Tovalo v gob [OY (@] [動詞] exiblind dair [] 動詞] gubudni al sívam [] [動詞] 動詞] [動詞] [ [ Proy muy 3 各文の下線部の語句はS,V,O,C のどれにあたるか, 下線部の下に書き入れなさい 。 mod betaly ad2 [ moldong thusillib & Riri (a [ ni (yadi \ Indw\ yhuta \ ob ) pp.35-41 atsl\mi\ quiqqorle) (A 5) Bill had milk and toast for breakfast.wad Xaidi Navoizilab \ ei hooles ] ] ACD

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