

(7) Two men are talking. Daisuke: Ben! How's it going? You finally made it out this way to see me! Ben: What's up, Daisuke? Sorry for missing the earlier train. 28 Daisuke: That's OK. So, what are you in the mood to do today? Are you hungry? I know a great place or two if you are. Ben: Not really. I had a late breakfast on the train. As for what to do, you tell me. It's my first time to this part of the country, so what should be at the top of my list? Daisuke: Well, how about Dazaifu? There's a famous shrine there. We'll have to hop on the train again, but it's not that far. There are some great places to choose from for lunch there, too. Ben: That sounds good. Oh, I did want to grab some postcards to send to my folks while I'm here. Don't let me forget. Daisuke: I think they sell some at the visitor center near the shrine. Ben: Great. Do you want to grab a latte first and catch up for a little bit? Daisuke: Sure. We can check the train schedule while we chat. M
28 29 There was a lot of traffic this morning. I got to the station earlier than I thought. 3 The trains were pretty empty today. I almost forgot which station was yours. Where is this conversation most likely taking place? BURADIZIGS 111 Welcome To Kyushu A INCISIONE AL
30 31 Which of the following is true according to the conversation? Ben is not hungry even though he skipped breakfast. Ben is making a list of places he wishes to visit. 3 Daisuke is knowledgeable about the area. 4 Daisuke is meeting someone for the first time. What will the speakers most likely do next? Take the train to Dazaifu. Go to a nearby coffee shop. 3 Have lunch at a restaurant. Buy postcards for Ben's family.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

[28] (1) 今朝、道が混んでいたんだ。← Ben:もっと時間の早い電車に乗れなくてゴメンね。 
[29] (2) 電車の改札口 ← 二人の最初の会話の内容から判断する
大輔:ベン! 元気? 僕に会うために、わざわざここまで来てくれたんだね!
ベン:大輔、調子はどう? もっと時間の早い電車に乗れなくてゴメンね。今朝、道が混んでいたんだ。
(1) 空港 (3) レストラン (4) 電車の切符販売機の前
(30) (3) 大輔はこの地域のことについては知識が豊富である。
(31) (2) 近くの喫茶店に行く。← 最後のベンと大輔の会話の内容から判断する





My pleasure!😊
