


英語 高校生


B この塔は300年前に建てられた。 centuries ago. School rules must be followed. 校則は守られなければならない。 表現です。 ②無生物主語: 「〈物事〉 が 〈人〉 に・・・させる」 が……する」 を表す形。 客観的に因果関係を示す。 「〈物事〉 のために 〈人〉 ニュースや新聞などで よく使われます。 The scholarship enabled her to go on to college. その奨学金のおかげで彼女は大学へ進学できた。 = Thanks to the scholarship, she was able to go on to college.) Illness prevented me from going to school. 病気のため私は学校に行けなかった。 (=Because of illness, I couldn't go to school.) Work it Qui Complate the sentences below using the words in the brackets. The book 2. This book by Stephen King. [write] using various stories of Indian gods and goddesses. [tell] Arrange the words and phrases in the parentheses to match the Japanese. 1. これらの恐竜の化石がどのように発見されたかを楽しく読んでみてください。 Enjoy (were / these dinosaur fossils/how/found/ reading). Enjoy (ewen orlt (nodend 2. この本はこのような複雑な科学を網羅的にまとめてくれています。 (a well-rounded summary / provides / this book / of) these complicated sciences. these complicated sciences. 3. かなり怖いですが, あと少しの恐怖が話をよりいっそうおもしろくしていたでしょう。 It was quite frightening, but (have made / more horridness / would / the story/a little/better). It was quite frightening, but Jode etow glosin WEBSASUBI ssd evad alpaido yncM

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英語 高校生


wal Rainforest trees are used to make things which we use every day. Rubber, for example, is used to make many things. The fruits of many forest trees ( 7 ) — forest people have eaten them for thousands of years. Today, all over the world, people eat rainforest food plants; for example, coffee, tea, oranges, and rice. Corn, which is an important food for many people of the world, is another rainforest plant. In 1970, a disease destroyed half the corn in the United States of America. Scientists began to look for new species in the rainforests. In 1987, in the Mexican rainforest, they found a new species which is stronger than other species. But we nearly lost this new species, because people were already cutting down that part of the Mexican rainforest. Hollywood, Los Angele movie stud (1) knows how many useful plants are already lost because people have SHOULD destroyed many of the rainforests of the world. Directors, actors, and writ The trees of the rainforests help the Earth's air because their leaves use carbon dioxide and make oxygen, which we need to live. its high point in these year They are also important because they control some of the Earth's weather. Through they give out water vapor which makes heavy clouds. The clouds then move to other parts of the Earth and give rain. The clouds also protect the Earth their large leaves, from the sun. (ウ) 日 moved to like Today, the Earth is slowly getting hotter, and in some places changes in the weather are making life much more difficult. We need to learn more about the Earth's weather while we still have the rainforests. and see the golden

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