


英語 高校生


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 17 12 13 11 15 16 We stayed at a bed and breakfast ( 1 for the sake of 2 instead of Dolly's hand was badly swollen because she ( ) by a bee on the weekend. 1 stung 4 has stung 2 had stung 3 had been stung I know a lot about Spanish grammar, but when it comes ), I'm not so good. 4 speak 2 to speak 3 to speaking for speaking At this time tomorrow, I ( had been traveling ) spend too much money on accommodations. 3 so as not to 4 so that 〈 関西学院大 〉 ) to Paris. ( 2 have traveled 4 will be traveling ). 3 traveled Many spectators found the game 1exciting 2 excited 3 excite The roads were wet when we left the restaurant, so it must ( 1 be rain 2 be rained 3 had rained 4 have rained When pulling suitcases with wheels in crowded places, you have to be careful ( hitting not 2 not hit to 4 not to hit 3 not hitting to 明日も雪が降り続くと, まる1週間降っていることになる。 It a/will/been / for / have / snowing / week / whole) if it goes on snowing tomorrow. 〈立命館大 > これ以上この問題を議論しても仕方がない。 There is no ( ) discussing this problem any longer. 11 doubt 2 help (3 use このニュース雑誌の7月号を買っておくべきだった。 I ( I would have 4 excitement きみの電卓を使ってもいいかな。 報告書を作成するのに必要なんだ。 Can I use your calculator? I (need /to/a/report / prepare / one ). (***) 彼には以前会っていたので, パーティーではすぐに彼を見つけた。 (easily found / met him / before, /I/having / him) at the party. ) bought the July issue of this news magazine. 2 should have 3 could be (a) They are building new shopping centers in the suburbs. (b) New shopping centers ( ) in the suburbs. 1 build 2 are built 3 are building 〈南山大 > ) while we were inside. 14 隣街の店までわざわざ行ったが, 閉まっていることが分かっただけだった。 I went (only to / the store /to / in a neighboring city / find it/ all the way) closed. 〈中央大〉 〈南山大 > 4 way 〈芝浦工業大〉 might be 〈関西学院大〉 ) other people or block their path. < 日本女子大 > < 東洋大 > 〈中央大〉 〈成城大〉 〈龍谷大〉 4 are being built <亜細亜大 >

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

(2)の訳は 「そのことについて考えれば考えるほどストレスには私たちにとって何かが価値があるように思われた」 なのですが、訳を書く時に「そのこと」と書くのは違和感があります。aboutの後ろのitはit=stressですよね? だとしたら「ストレスについて...」と書いても... 続きを読む

次の英文を読んで, 設問に答えなさい。 25 min. 454 words 2 25分ぐ終了 ( Listening to a gardening program the other day, I was struck by something the /S-70₂ expert said about a particular type of potted plant. Do not water it once it has *come into bud, he advised. Cause it to feel stress, and it will produce more, and more beautiful, flowers. 52 Surely this advice is against everything that we are told by doctors. Stress is bad for us, they say. Stress is the cause of all sorts of diseases. Stress caused by overwork sometimes results in early death. Newspaper and magazine articles tell us how to reduce stress, or how to avoid it altogether. No one has a good word for stress. 10 3 And yet, I asked myself, if stress is good for plants, can there possibly be any value for us in it? The longer I thought about it, the more it seemed to me that there is. Without a certain degree of tension and stress, we are apt to become lazy and neglect our duties. All students know that they should study regularly throughout the year, and then be able to face examinations without fear. In fact, 15 most students leave this study till the last possible moment, and then hastily try to ( 3 ) lost time. Many of us, likewise, put off dealing with our problems until the deadline approaches. Every year I resolve that I will write all my Christmas cards and letters ahead of time, and avoid a last-minute rush; and every year I find that 20 once again I have left it too late for me to finish comfortably. Only when the tension increases [working seriously / the job / do / to get/I/done / start]. (4) In other fields too, when satisfaction enters in, creativity and curiosity go out of the window. What has been called "divine discontent" - a creative dissatisfaction (5) with the present situation, whatever it is produces progress. And that 25 dissatisfaction is one type of stress. 6Thus, it seemed to me, a certain degree of stress is necessary for human progress. Just how much is good, and how much is harmful, is the problem. Those of us who are employed by a company/whose policies demand long periods of stressful activity/are to be sympathized with, since too much stress is activity/are

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

論表の不定詞がわからないです💦 答えだけでも解説付きでも大丈夫なので誰か回答教えてください🙏

EXERCISES 不定詞② (形容詞用法・副詞用法) ① 下の [ ]内から動詞を1回ずつ選び、適切な形にして、英文を完成させなさい。 ( )( (1) I bought a magazine (2) My brother is making every effort ( 2002 (3) I'm looking for someone ( (4) The robot has the ability ( (5) There is no reason ( [doubt/play / speak/become/read] ) on the train. 1. on brid Cray an SHO ) a doctor, zanlands sew il shogi with. me) several languages. ) ( 1) (b) the truth of the story. )に適語を入れなさい。 日本語に合うように, (1) 彼はテレビでサッカーの試合を見るために早起きをした。 He got up early ()() the soccer game on TV. 人+ lo + 瑞+ ai al) (2) 私は学校に遅刻しないように急いだ。 I hurried in ()()( ) be late for school. (3) 彼女はファッションモデルになるために, モデルスクールに通った。 She went to modeling school so ( ) ( ) ( sis-905. (5) 彼女がひと休みするために, 私たちは立ち止まった。 We stopped ( ) ( ) ( ) ( (4) 彼女はその日のうちに自分の仕事を終わらせようと残業した。 (10) She worked overtime ()() her work by the end of the day. (2) 状況 ある日のミーティングで, 議長が最初に言った。 We (to / about / a lot of topics / have/talk) today. >>)am T540XRIO favour qismi » fodWa ④ [ ]内の語句を参考にして, 3 与えられた状況に合うように ( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 (1) 状況 新規事業の会議が長引いており・・・。 There (to/no/ tell / way / was ) how the meeting would end. ) a rest. AJO ) a fashion model. ude (3)状況 東京から横浜まで行くのに忙しい私は普通列車ではなく・・・。 I used the Shinkansen (not / waste/ so / to / as) any time. Insbau ory (1) 私は今日~すべき….. (事柄) がある。 [have / to ] I Z (2) 私は〜するために・・・ (場所)へ行った。 [go to ] I A B el 19viņauft a (4) 状況 化学の試験が迫っていますが、わからないところばかり…w of ough of of I'm looking for (me / with chemistry/help/ someone /to). -BEST-10 A B - b) [JJ067-10 a007sgasb \brard thers@th PRO 3 ) hour of sme vo lupihalb oot ei lood ~ …..に自由に語句を入れ, オリジナルの英文をつくりなさい。 A B 53

解決済み 回答数: 1