

次の英文を読んで, 設問に答えなさい。 25 min. 454 words 2 25分ぐ終了 ( Listening to a gardening program the other day, I was struck by something the /S-70₂ expert said about a particular type of potted plant. Do not water it once it has *come into bud, he advised. Cause it to feel stress, and it will produce more, and more beautiful, flowers. 52 Surely this advice is against everything that we are told by doctors. Stress is bad for us, they say. Stress is the cause of all sorts of diseases. Stress caused by overwork sometimes results in early death. Newspaper and magazine articles tell us how to reduce stress, or how to avoid it altogether. No one has a good word for stress. 10 3 And yet, I asked myself, if stress is good for plants, can there possibly be any value for us in it? The longer I thought about it, the more it seemed to me that there is. Without a certain degree of tension and stress, we are apt to become lazy and neglect our duties. All students know that they should study regularly throughout the year, and then be able to face examinations without fear. In fact, 15 most students leave this study till the last possible moment, and then hastily try to ( 3 ) lost time. Many of us, likewise, put off dealing with our problems until the deadline approaches. Every year I resolve that I will write all my Christmas cards and letters ahead of time, and avoid a last-minute rush; and every year I find that 20 once again I have left it too late for me to finish comfortably. Only when the tension increases [working seriously / the job / do / to get/I/done / start]. (4) In other fields too, when satisfaction enters in, creativity and curiosity go out of the window. What has been called "divine discontent" - a creative dissatisfaction (5) with the present situation, whatever it is produces progress. And that 25 dissatisfaction is one type of stress. 6Thus, it seemed to me, a certain degree of stress is necessary for human progress. Just how much is good, and how much is harmful, is the problem. Those of us who are employed by a company/whose policies demand long periods of stressful activity/are to be sympathized with, since too much stress is activity/are


aboutの後ろのitはit=stressですよね? → 違います。itは前文の内容(if stress is good … for us in it?)を指しています。
なぜなら、The longer I thought … seemed to me that there is (some value for us in it)[省略:前文に can there possibly any value for us in it?があるから]. だからです。in itのit=stress ですが…。

