


英語 高校生

【至急】この文を日本語訳していただきたいです(><)めんどうであれば④⑤⑧だけでも大丈夫です~ˣ˷ˣ 明日の宿題なのでよろしくお願いします. . .

にましょう. D 3 ●傍注に出ている単語を○で囲みましょう. 日本の国土の特徴は何でしょうか. for ab claundwo Japan is a country of forests. // They account for about 66 percent of abniw asw together with Finland and Sweden. // gros smua sdi grignie a big staff Japan's land. // The global average is 31 percent. // PROSLA USR/Poe them. // 2015 pristnom futbund 2nd 6918 einT the top three developed countries / with a high forestland rate / for many years, / 日本の生態系はなぜ豊かなのでしょうか. 2 Due to the humid climate, / a variety of natural e Mol naad ved vart basles Japan has been among 5043 G710NG geographical isolation with thousands of islands, / Japan is rich Inhal A-ka.c vigintasl nist YVES & bar ow AcOS JU48@v=t& nicht odi adguro I ado(( 63 ) (dual); ecosystem. // Inciterá sdi [ Many species are unique to Japan, / and the forests provide homes for some of CASAHAN S (s\ bruot \ boog \ 1892 \om) ode orfe environments, / and >7J>JECTII in habe #7 wow adt\ wode) woy Urw 森の生態系で大きな役割を担っているのは何ですか. nose Sr Doy lliw All the plants and animals in the forests / have a close relationship with each biodiversity. // 1900itibo-TIE GA 720 smod land me I nodw (died \aw gabin\ a) android yM other. // Many varieties of mushrooms, or fungi, / play a large part in this forest (boininq \ wolley \ planu bavorigob \ * (109 words) Lopah add horri E

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英語 高校生

(3)のto不定詞の見分け方みたいなのがわからないです。 どうすればわかるようになりますか?

5. 次の英文を読んで, 後の設問に答えなさい。 【計46点) “Thank you. Thank you so much.” When I say these words, I remember that other people support me in my life. Sometimes, O(say / may / hard / be /it/to)“thank you” to them. But we should feel most ( ② ) to those people. If it is ( 3 ) to say “thank you,” you should just thank the people in your heart. Then, when you feel ( ④ ), just put your feelings into words. Those people will be very happy 6to hear your words of thanks. In your school life, you may often make mistakes or feel down. You may face some difficulties.To study and to do club activities may be stressful.But ©these experiences will help you become stronger. OWhen Then new worlds will be open to you. Good luck to all of you! (1) のの( )内の語を,英文の流れに合うように並べ替えなさい。 17/rmay 3, ④の( )に入る適切な語を、下から選んで書きなさい。 (5 点) be haid to Say (3点×3=9点) [ difficult brave thankful ] ② theutful dficaft _rave brole 3 (3)下線部6と同じ用法を含む文を1つ選びなさい。 (4 点) ア You will have another chance to see him. ににはうたンス持っなたろう、見る イ We are glad to know she is getting better. イノー ウ Jalways use positive words to support myself. (4) 下線部のが指す内容を3つ, 日本語で書きなさい。 (/学校生治7 ミス してしき 、 たり落ち込びことがIくめるかも). (いくっかの国難に直面するかもしれなしい。. ) (勉強をすることや部活をすることしはストレスになるかもしれないい) 15) 下線部のが 「人生がつらいとき, 自分自身を信じなさい」の意味になるよう, 英文を完 成させなさい。 He is hard, believe (7点×3=21点) (7 点) in yauself When

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英語 高校生


Dand about 4% have been extinct since 1950. Le Complete the summary. There are some unnecessary words. Lie an/ Summary Title )are dying out faster than in tho past. 1()Many linguists think that (1. ( )Almost 40% of languages are (2. One of the reasons why languages disappear is that people who speak th。 languages 2 Ld ) phenomena. die because of (3. ) cause the extinction of languages. ( ) Another reason is that (4. Today some people (5. away their own language because of technology 5 and the desire for material wealth. If a language dies, we believe that we lose the knowledge that the society has (6. 6 ) over time and diversity in the world. In language (7. へ the language and culture as possible. ), linguists try to record as much information about ird0 Sto In language (8. the language. ),a linguistic community takes an active role in saving 8 Efforts by learners, the elders, the government and linguists (9. to save languages from disappearing. ) us 9 Titles Words O 10 allow / approaches culture / eliminate endangered / gained languages / natural O Language Preservation O How Languages Rapidly Disappear © Loss of Speakers Causes Languages to Disappear O People Choose English over Their Language O Language Revitalization O People's Efforts Can Save Languages @ The Current Situation of the Languages の Humans Cause Languages to Disappear t iw d people / preservation revitalization/ throw O What Is Lost When Languages Disappear 1guage Extinction

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英語 高校生


図 Grammar Points )内の動詞を過去形か過去進行形か過去完了形にしなさい。 (各2点) )内の動詞を現在形か現在進行形か現在完了形にしなさい。 11.~3.は( 4.~5.は( 1.「いつものこ と」 1. My grandmother (read) the newspaper every day. 2.「今だけのこ と」 2. Don't take the newspaper away. I (read). 3.「出て行って、 今いない」 B: No, she (go). 3. A: Is Jennifer here? 4.「(過去のある 時に)~してい た」 4. When I (hear) the knock, I (go) to the door and (open) it. 5. saw, knew よりも「以前の 時」。 5. As soon as I saw her, I knew that I (meet) her before. wens last TEIG 2( )内の動詞を wil ~か未来進行形か未来完了形にしなさい。(各2点) 1. He went out half an hour ago, but he (be) back soon. 2.「(未来のある 時に)~してい るでしょう」 2. The sun (shine) when we reach the top of the mountain. 3.「(未来のある 時までに)~し てしまっている でしょう」 3. If you don't hurry, the shops (close) before you get there. Writing )内の語句を並べかえなさい。4.は日本語を英語で表現しなさい。(各3点 1. When they got to the airport, ( had already/ plane / their / off/ taken). 31.~3.は( 2. I started writing this book six months ago. By the end of this week, ( 200 pago I/written / have / will ). 3. In a few months those girls ( work / will / or / either working / be / looking 101 " 4.昼食のとき雨が降っていたし, 今もまだ降っています。 雨はまだやんでいません。 The rain hasn't stopped ye *still 「今もまだ」 CAN-DO 6 A 簡単な語句やさまざまな時制を用いて短い文を書くことができる。 リスト

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英語 高校生

コミュニケーション英語(ランドマークⅡ advance d)の答えをなくしてしまいました、どなたか教えてくれる方いませんか🙇‍♂️

(札幌大) 次の文章を読んで,下の設問に答えなさい。 Gwen Stefani, lead singer of the pop group No Doubt, released her first solo album, Love, The album introduced to the world the Harajuku B Love, Angel, Music, Baby \arge win Angel, Music, Baby, in November 2002. Girls, who represented trendy Japanese culture. In a magazine interview, Stefani said the idea of using Japanese girls as dancers came to ating lary b 2opened - and her in a dream.(She first sang about this idea in the song “Rich Girl.") Stefani gave each Love, Angel, Music and Baby nd wants of the dancers a name from the title of her album called them the Harajuku Girls in reference to the exciting Tokyo shopping area popular or in Par The Harajuku Girls were instantly interesting and mysterious to young adults in the West. particularly the Gothic Lolita style. They with young people. The Harajuku Girl Mystique* everythin hat woul Their clothes symbolized Tokyo street fashion gaine nd appeared in the music videos for Stefani's new album, and accompanied her to awards turned 」 ceremonies and promotional events. The Harajuku Girls never spoke in public, which added oroduch singer develop other projects. Stefani designed a limited-edition digital camera (produced by a stron to their mystery. op to bu Not only did the Harajuku Girls inspire Stefani in her music making, they also helped the HP) featuring the Harajuku Girls. She also started a product line called "Harajuku Lovers." The line consists of clothing and accessories for men, women and children, as well as products for the home, featuring contemporary Japanese elements. [注] mystique : 神秘 問1.以下の問いに英語で答えなさい。 What are the names of the “Harajuku Girls"? 0en ai onide 問2.以下の質問に最も適切な答えを選びなさい。 (1) What are each of the Harajuku Girls named after? 2. Gwen Stefani's song “Rich Girl." 並べ替 4. The title of Gwen Stefani's album. 1. Japanese female dancers. 3. A popular Tokyo shopping area. (2) Which of the following statements about Harajuku Girls is false? 1. Their clothing represented Tokyo street fashion such as the Gothic Lolita style. 2. They symbolized the positive and aggressive attitudes of Japanese people. 3. They were considered mysterious as they did not speak. 4. They participated in Gwen Stefani's music videos and events. 33 Lesson 4

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