

5. 次の英文を読んで, 後の設問に答えなさい。 【計46点) “Thank you. Thank you so much.” When I say these words, I remember that other people support me in my life. Sometimes, O(say / may / hard / be /it/to)“thank you” to them. But we should feel most ( ② ) to those people. If it is ( 3 ) to say “thank you,” you should just thank the people in your heart. Then, when you feel ( ④ ), just put your feelings into words. Those people will be very happy 6to hear your words of thanks. In your school life, you may often make mistakes or feel down. You may face some difficulties.To study and to do club activities may be stressful.But ©these experiences will help you become stronger. OWhen Then new worlds will be open to you. Good luck to all of you! (1) のの( )内の語を,英文の流れに合うように並べ替えなさい。 17/rmay 3, ④の( )に入る適切な語を、下から選んで書きなさい。 (5 点) be haid to Say (3点×3=9点) [ difficult brave thankful ] ② theutful dficaft _rave brole 3 (3)下線部6と同じ用法を含む文を1つ選びなさい。 (4 点) ア You will have another chance to see him. ににはうたンス持っなたろう、見る イ We are glad to know she is getting better. イノー ウ Jalways use positive words to support myself. (4) 下線部のが指す内容を3つ, 日本語で書きなさい。 (/学校生治7 ミス してしき 、 たり落ち込びことがIくめるかも). (いくっかの国難に直面するかもしれなしい。. ) (勉強をすることや部活をすることしはストレスになるかもしれないい) 15) 下線部のが 「人生がつらいとき, 自分自身を信じなさい」の意味になるよう, 英文を完 成させなさい。 He is hard, believe (7点×3=21点) (7 点) in yauself When
質問 コミュ英i 大至急


