


英語 高校生

全問答え教えて欲しいです😭😭こたえないです 関係詞の問題です

2 3 Fill in the blanks. Use which / when / where / why/how. 1 これは両親が新婚旅行で泊まったホテルだ。 This is the hotel ( where (2) うるう年は2月が29日ある年だ。 A leap year is a year ( when (3) うるう年は4年に1度しかやってこない年だ。 A leap year is a year ( 4) グレッグがテニス部をやめた理由は明らかではない。 The reason ( why ) Greg quit the tennis team is not clear. 5) 私はよく英語の歌を聴く。 そうやって、 私は英語を勉強している。 I often listen to English songs. That's ( ) my parents stayed on their honeymoon. ) February has 29 days. ) only comes around once every four years. 2 Complete each sentence. Use when / where / why. 1) Last Saturday was 2) Jill lied* to me. That's 3) How far is the hotel from 4) I was in Rome until last Sunday, ) I study English. I moved into a new apartment. I'm angry at her. we are now? Give It a Try Write about yourself. 1) I remember the day 2) I want to know the reason I left for Paris. )( ) ( 3) 私の父が勤めている銀行は私の学校の近くにある。 Put the Japanese sentences into English. 1) 私は教科書を何度も読んだ。 このようにして, その試験に合格した。 I read the textbook many times. ( ) ( 2) 私が卵を食べない理由はアレルギーがあるからだ。 3 Put the words in the correct order. Use when / where / why / how. Could you wait until next week, (so busy, won't, I, be)? → when I won't be so busy 1) (we/ the beach/played) was very beautiful. 2) Last night I had a bad dream. (I, that's, didn't, sleep) well. Last night I had a bad dream. 3) I still remember July of 2014, (I, a week, spent) in Okinawa on my school trip. I still remember July of 2014, in Okinawa on my school trip. 4) We met at the summer camp three years ago. (became, we, friends, that's). We met at the summer camp three years ago. )( )( (4) 私は,兄が暮らしているロンドンに行きたいと思っている。 I want to go to London, ( )( (▶4-1) ) my father ( (▶4-2,3) ) ( lie 「うそをつく」 was very beautiful. )( ) I passed the exam. (「~にアレルギーがある」 allergic to ~) ) I don't eat eggs is that I'm allergic to them. )( well. ) is near my school.

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


2. There was something about his story ( 1 what 3 which 5. Towns ( 1 where 1 次の英文の空所に入れるのに最も適切な語句を,下の①~④から一つずつ選びなさい。 you 1. Do customers ( ) smoke in restaurants bother ? 2 when 3 to ④ like 関東学 1 who 6. I saw a horse ( 1 which 3. Ken didn't believe ( (1) however 3 that ante leto s juo bemut radiour well as 4. You are the only man in the world ( 2 which 1 whose 3 that 演 10. ( 8. I never saw Brando again, ( 1 which 2 what 9. John insulted Mary, ( 1 that 1 When 11. That was the 1 where EXIS ) Jane said. said 7. There was no comment from the two ladies ( birl 1 of whom 2 who 3 whom 14. The office ( 1 what 習 ) attract tourists are usually crowded. Tur 2 which 3 to which 2 As Jeni evinos year ( a) coat was brown. 2 its 15. Ghibli Museum 1 where 2 which 2 whatever 4 whichever 13. This is a photo of the house ( (1) where we lived in 3 with which we lived go (2) some 4 everything frignon I ) I can call son 3 whose 2 which Yunum 901 is a place ( 問 ) made me suspicious. bine ) I would never do. 12. This must be the novel Mr. Matsuyama ( had referred in Ianor 3 referred to in 2 to where ) was a pity. 3 whom 4 what 3 who thin wal ) is often the case with her, she broke her promise. 3 It TRIGE SK ) I was born. 2 into which 3 in which TE my friend. 4 what ad ar 4 in which c we lived in to ono al mogel that ) I want to visit. 3 to which 4 where 2 had referred to 4 was referred to (拓殖大) I thought were sure to protest. 4 whose (神戸女学院大) gs way of 4 There suig eyewie vor T ) his lecture. 19vsodw 4 at which ) before we moved to Osaka. 2 we lived bed ) I work is on the top floor of the building. 3 where 4 in that and sli (京都産業大) 4 which (駿河台大 (桜美林大 (皇學館大) (関西外語大) (立命館大) ITI (東海大) (大阪経大) (甲南大) (大阪学院大) (西南学院大) (杏林大)

未解決 回答数: 1